The International Freedom of Expression Forum


“Call for Applications”

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for the event outlined below. The Program will bring together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

The International Freedom of Expression Forum
“Censorship and Freedom in Traditional and New Media: The Revolution of Media as a Tool of Freedom of Expression”
(Berlin, February 28th – March 2nd, 2012)

The “International Freedom of Expression Forum” is an annual conference on the issue of “Freedom of Expression”. The aim of the conference this year is to reflect on the concepts of “freedom” and “censorship” and look at both past and potential challenges to realizing complete freedom of expression”. Focusing on the role of the media, “The International Freedom of Expression Forum” will evaluate the tools in which freedom of expression can take place. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector

With the transition from the traditional bi-polar international structure towards a more multi-polar world understanding state perspectives, different cultures and different traditions is important if the international system is to remain stable. The concept of “Freedom of Expression” is becoming more relevant as more states gain influence within the system as a whole. Looking at each state, it is clear that there is no one objective definition of the concept and recent world events, such as the “Arab Spring” and the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, have highlighted the importance of discussing the significance of freedom of expression as a whole.

This conference aims to constructively approach these issues and evaluate the role of technology, the disparities and trends in press freedom, democracy and censorship, and the role of social media.

To apply please visit:


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

Previous Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 –, which hosted The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European Affairs of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey.

In March 2011 the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

Please address any additional queries to [email protected]

We look forward to hear from you soon.

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811
[email protected]

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    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. En usko et meistä tulee jotain

      Se ei kuitenkaan estä toivomasta et tulisi. Toivon et voitas suudella ja se sais asioita loksahtamaan paikoilleen. Jutel
    2. Kuvaile itseäsi

      Kaivatullesi, niin että hän sinut tunnistaa.
    3. Eini paljastaa nuorekkuutensa salaisuuden - Tämä nousee framille: "Se on pakko, että jaksaa!"

      Discokuningatar Eini on täyttänyt upeat 64 vuotta. Lavoilla ja keikoilla nähdään entistä vapautuneempi artisti, joka ei
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    4. Huomenta keskipäivää

      Kivaa päivää mukaville ja söpösille. 🐺🫅❤️☕☀️
    5. Oletko koskaan katunut kun

      elämäsi tilaisuus jäi käyttämättä? 💔
    6. Olen J-mies

      Jos kerrot sukunimeni alkukirjaimen, ja asuinpaikkakuntani. Lupaan ottaa yhteyttä sinuun.
    7. Sinusta näkee että

      Kaipaat paljon.
    8. Ei sitten, ei olla enää

      Missään tekemisissä. Unohdetaan kaikki myös se että tunsimme. Tätä halusit tämän saat. J miehelle. Rakkaudella vaalea na
    9. Haluaisin ottaa sinut syleilyyni mies

      Olet suloinen...
    10. Ma 30.9 tosiko tv klo 18 suorana Tikkalanmäeltä

      Virastolta suorana. Äänestyksistä sitten puhutaan illalla ja huomenna, onko kepuvasemmisto kuntalaisten tahdon mukaan to