Tätä tutkittiin jo 1930-luvulla. Huomattiin että kuparipinnoitteinen aura tukee maan normaalia sähkövarausta, jolloin pohjavesi liikkuu korkeammalla.
Rauta/teräs aurat yms. muokkaushärpäkkeet sen sijaan tuhoavat normaalia sähköisyyttä. Seurauksena sekä se että pohjavesi pakenee syvemmälle, että kasvien ravintojen imeytyminen vaikeutuu.
Tutustukaa asiaan, jos englanti sujuu:
"It resulted from numerous experiments that a better ploughing of the soil can
be made, instead of using plows made of Iron or Steel, with Copper-covered plows;
this difference becomes stronger when one notices that speed of ploughing
becomes faster and that the friction between the ground and the corresponding
portion of the plow is greater.
This effect because of overspeed produces the slow desintegration of the Copper
cover and the minute Copper portions deposited in the soil produce a catalytic
effect, that in turn generates a better water-retention in the ground and also
a further increase in quality of ploughing.
These findings were made when passing a plow which body was either covered or
entirely made with Copper.
But as the building in whole of the plow with Copper is disadvantadgeous, then
it will be convenient to cover those portions made with hard metal with Copper
layers in hardened condition, which can be made through several different methodologies;
the deposit of Copper particles under the ground does not break the
magnetic permeability of the soil, as does Iron or Steel.
In the illustrations (see next page) are shown two embodiments for this invention,
Figures 1 and 2 show a lateral view and Figures 3 to 5 show a transversal
cut, a longitudinal cut and one plowing protrusion (Eggenzahn),
In Figures 1 and 2 is illustrated a plow which point (1) is made out of Steel
as usual, but it can also be covered with the corresponding Copper-cover; this
portion cuts through the ground generating friction in the process; another is
in the smaller portion ( 2 ) , upon which upper portion there is usual a small he(
ap of soil because of pressure when the plow moves forward. It will be furnished
vith an endtail (Belag) (3), also made of Copper, that will create a "screwing"
motion in the soil by means of sunk "screw" (4) located at portion (2).
So as to make the whole of this latter portion hard enough, it must be hammered
during construction.
The plowing protrusion (Eggenzahn) (5) corresponding to Figures 3 to 5, is made
with a backward open sheet (6) of Copper; to fasten upon the protrusion the usual
arrow, we use lock (7) of protrusion (5) placed at a high location and which
is furnished with the corresponding key; here it is also convenient to place
the Copper-cover through hammering ...
Teräs-aurat Pilaavat Pellot!
- kvernelaandi
entäs kun on auroissa muovisiivet??
- Big Chemo Slave
Muovin vaikutuksesta en ole lukenut, ehkä joku viisaampi tietäisi?
- Huu ja
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Voitaisko olla kavereita?
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