European Wide Relocation Virtual Recruitment Fair

Bilingual People

Scandinavian Relocation Virtual Recruitment Fair
Date: 19th February 2015
Location: ONLINE

If you are a Scandinavian/ Nordic speaker and looking for a new career, don’t miss our Scandinavian Relocation Virtual Recruitment Fair taking place ONLINE on 19th February.

This Virtual Recruitment Fair is solely focused on giving Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish speaking candidates the opportunity to search and apply for various career opportunities offered throughout Europe.

Whether you are looking for an opportunity to start an international career, to immerse in a new culture, or are already living abroad and looking to use your language skills in your next position, don’t miss your chance to chat with recruiters specifically looking for candidates like you!

If you are fluent in either Danish, Swedish, Norwegian Finnish and you are interested in relocating for an exciting opportunity that meets your skills, the Scandinavian Relocation Virtual Recruitment Fair is a ‘must-see’ event which will allow you to interact and engage with HR professionals from international companies from the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of visiting the Scandinavian Relocation Virtual Fair:

• The fair will have blue chip companies and recruitment agencies throughout Europe that are ONLY interested in recruiting people with Scandinavian language skills.
• Search through a wide range of positions across many industry specifications including Sales, Customer Service, IT, Tech Support, Accountancy/Finance, Marketing and many more
• You will be able to have online live chats to leading employers as well as Recruitment Agencies, whether it’s to ask a question or to discuss a wide range of employment opportunities.
• Discuss Relocation opportunities with many HR Professionals
• Complete a career test where your skills will be best matched with the companies exhibiting, to save time and energy whilst looking for a job
• Leave your CV with HR professionals - It is essential that you have your CV up-to-date as you can leave your CV and contact details online, with the HR Professionals on the exhibitor’s virtual stand.
• Many companies will have advice on how to apply for their roles, information about the interview process and all other aspects, to help you find your perfect job on their virtual stand.
• Download application forms if required, or watch videos uploaded from recruiters

The event will be live from 9am (CET) to 8pm (CET) on the 19th February 2015, so you can access the fair from the comfort of your own home, at any time during the day, without having to travel.

The Scandinavian Relocation Virtual Fair is completely free of charge, however all candidates must pre-register before the event takes place.

To avoid disappointment and delays, register for the virtual fair online today, using the link below and log back in on 19th February when the fair will be live:

We look forward to seeing your profile online!

Bilingual People




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Uskon kun näen

      Eipä tuolla sivustolla ilman rekisteröintiä pääse vielä mihinkään, eikä mitään viisastu. Britannian lippua näkyy. Mikähän vimma niillä nyt on juuri skandinaaveista...

      Tulee mieleen, että onko tuo nyt jotain mehutusta ja siinä vaiheessa kun haluat yhteyden firmaan, joka on sinusta niin überkiinnostunut, joudutkin maksamaan tms.

      Tuokaan selvästi suomenkielinen tyyppi (kun oli ilmoituksen juuri tänne tökätä), ei kerro mitään suomeksi eli hieman etäiseksi, jopa hämäräksi jää tämä messu.

      • TöissäSilti

        Mikäs siinä, kun Suomessa ei ammattilaisille makseta ammattilaisen palkkaa ja työttömiä löytyy vaikka muille jakaa. Ulkomailla arvostetaan työntekijää, toisin kuin Suomessa, jossa työntekijä on pakollinen kuluerä, joka pyritään minimoimaan.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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