Old stuff, but...
"tell your friends which personal computer is rated for mission-critical use in the United States space program"
"Amiga owners know their machines can do a lot with a little. Because of its flexible and integrated video-friendly hardware as well as its tight, efficient multi-tasking operating system, Amigas can be found driving things such as stadium scoreboards, interactive kiosks, agricultural irrigation systems and the flight schedule displays at Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport."
"For more than a dozen years, Amiga computers have been hard at work at Cape Canaveral's Hanger AE supporting the launches of every American spacecraft including the space shuttle."
at NASA in y1998:
"Because of way the Amiga is laid out and because the software is all tied together, each machine can actually support more than one spacecraft at a time, if the bit rate isn't too high. A multi-tasking, multi-spacecraft personal computer!"
"They want us to buy PCs and run Windows 95 and NT. We keep trying to tell them its not fast enough so they tell us to buy DEC Alphas. We tell them its too expensive. They don't like the Amiga; it doesn't cost enough."
"To prove how useful even stock Amigas can be, we found out that although the 4000s have Workbench 3.1, the 2000s are still running 2.1 because the advantages of the newer operating system were not really needed."
"Even after seeing Amigas hard at work in the telemetry lab, another surprise was found in the television center. Hal Greenlee; "We have a toaster system. We add titles during the launch. We might do an effect or two just by way of making the tape look more interesting. But mainly the Toaster is used to overlay time, camera angle or some kind of text data that they want to add to the picture."
Just had to post a reminder. Computing is not always Ghz and memory protection.
NASA & Amiga ...vanhojen muistelua, anteeksi vaan.
- AmigaZombie
Saku #27 lehdessä oli suomenkielinen versio artikkelista.
Mutta enpä nyt löydä nettiversiota siitä. - AmigaZomb
Tässä videolla enklanniksi:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAPD9HA8Unw- AmigaZombie
Vielä jos heräsi epäilys että käyttäisivätkö 30 vuotta vanhaa rautaa enään...
"The Amiga line at NASA lasted until 2004 and eventually decommissioned in 2006."
Eli kun pii hajoaa se hajoaa ja kun uutta osaa ei kukaan valmista...
- AmigaZombie
Tavanomaisempi Amigan käyttökohde, elokuvatuotanto, ohessa Babylon5:
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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