Art Politics from Finland


Artist is poor over the history.
That is not the rule to continue.
Government has to pay the normal artist payment each month and to give the art work.
That is written in the Human Rights, that 1) everyone has his right to have enough for his basic needs: food, clothes, home, care, family and 2) everyone has his right to practice his occupation freely.

Tree suggestions how to employ the artist.

1) Grants.

They are for the free independent art research like in the universities. Person applies the grant when he has topic to research and to create new.

2) Government offers the art work and pays each month money.

Artist works under the titular Art worker. Social fields are very suitable for the art work: hospitals, old houses, kindergartens, prisons and another institutions, but also all the rest society fields.
Why government is paying for normal employee money from the government budget, but not paying it for the artist? Payment should be the normal working man payment. Government should open the art market more freely and take art more actively into the society business, I think, because structures of the society will be dramatically changing. Social politic renewing will be made.

3) Citizen Payment.

Those artist who from the reason or another can't find the work, they suppose to get the Citizen Payment.That is for the basic standards of life. Citizen payment is payed for every citizen in the country. That money is taken through the taxes. Rich people pay's the bigger tax. That will protect people against the war and violence, that everyone has for the basic needs.

Global State
Freedom to move
Citizen Payment

World is Global. One state will help human's to come in peace together.
Freedom to move is the each man's right in life, to go and to come freely.
Citizen payment in every country in the World.

Hope you to spread that mission.
Thank you.
Good Day.


Everyone's duty is Peace and Love despite Age, Race, Sex and Social status position.
In 2012 came the new era of Waterman. That means technology, innovation, communication, woman and children.
Soft Family values are must to be protected, because Waterman is the strong reason, that could be hard to observe for the soft astrological Zodiacs. People might suffer.
Nature protection. We don't mess an our home.


The last important issue is World Wide Artist Association, that will rule Art Politics in difficult world, where the big part from the government budget goes for military use. More militants - more war will be! That's is bad. Art needs it's money. Artist association will deal with the international art politics, share money for grants, payments, teach, keep international art traffic, professionalize art industry.

All the best




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • stopus

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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