Histolic Event


Messenger I bling a dispatch flom Prymouth.
Clerk Flom Prymouth?
Messenger Flom Sil Flancis Dlake.
Clerk Entel and apploach the thlone.
Queen What news flom Prymouth?
Messenger Dlake has sighted the Spanish Freet, youl Majesty.
Queen So! Phirip's garreons ale hele. How many?
Messenger One hundled and thilty-six men of wal.
Leicester Broody herr.
Queen Is Dlake plepaled?
Messenger He has oldeled the whore freet into the Blitish Channer.
Queen So, we must to Tirbuly. Reicestel! Sil Wartel Lareigh! Groucester! We sharr lide to...




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • a-yes

      Man Is this the right room for an argument?
      Mr Vibrating I've told you once.
      Man No you haven't.
      Mr Vibrating Yes I have.
      Man When?
      Mr Vibrating Just now!
      Man No you didn't.
      Mr Vibrating Yes I did!
      Man Didn't.
      Mr Vibrating Did.
      Man Didn't.
      Mr Vibrating I'm telling you I did!
      Man You did not!
      Mr Vibrating I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
      Man Oh ... Just a five-minute one.
      Mr Vibrating Fine thank you. Anyway, I did.
      Man You most certainly did not.
      Mr Vibrating Now, let's get one thing quite clear. I most definitely told you!
      Man You did not.
      Mr Vibrating Yes I did.
      Man Didn't.
      Mr Vibrating Yes I did.
      Man Didn't.
      Mr Vibrating Yes I did!!
      Man Look, this isn't an argument.
      Mr Vibrating Yes it is.
      Man No it isn't, it's just contradiction.
      Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
      Man Yes it is.
      Mr Vibrating It is not.
      Man It is. You just contradicted me.
      Mr Vibrating No I didn't.
      Man Ooh, you did!
      Mr Vibrating No, no, no, no, no.
      Man You did, just then.
      Mr Vibrating No, nonsense!
      Man Oh, look this is futile.
      Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
      Man I came here for a good argument.
      Mr Vibrating No you didn't, you came here for an argument.
      Man Well, an argument's not the same as contradiction.
      Mr Vibrating It can be.
      Man No it can't. An argument is a connected series of statements to establish a definite proposition.
      Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
      Man Yes it is. It isn't just contradiction.
      Mr Vibrating Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.
      Man But it isn't just saying 'No it isn't'.
      Mr Vibrating Yes it is.
      Man No it isn't, Argument is an intellectual process ... contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
      Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
      Man Yes it is.
      Mr Vibrating Not at all.
      Man Now look!
      Mr Vibrating (pressing the bell on his desk) That's it. Good morning.
      Man But I was just getting interested.
      Mr Vibrating Sorry the five minutes is up.
      Man That was never five minutes just now!
      Mr Vibrating I'm afraid it was.
      Man No it wasn't.
      Mr Vibrating I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.
      Man What!?
      Mr Vibrating If you want me to go on arguing you'll have to pay for another five minutes.
      Man But that was never five minutes just now ... oh Come on! This is ridiculous.
      Mr Vibrating I'm very sorry, but I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid.
      Man Oh. all right. (pays) There you are.
      Mr Vibrating Thank you.
      Man Well?.
      Mr Vibrating Well what?
      Man That was never five minutes just now.
      Mr Vibrating I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid!
      Man I've just paid.
      Mr Vibrating No you didn't.
      Man I did! I did! I did!
      Mr Vibrating No you didn't.
      Man Look I don't want to argue about that.
      Mr Vibrating Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay.
      Man Aha! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing ... got you!
      Mr Vibrating No you haven't.
      Man Yes I have ... if you're arguing I must have paid.
      Mr Vibrating Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time.
      Man I've had enough of this.
      Mr Vibrating No you haven't.
      Man Oh shut up!

    • streinzlängviz

      Ai kännot ändöständ tis.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Naiset miltä kiihottuminen teissä tuntuu

      Kun miehellä tulee seisokki ja ja sellainen kihmelöinti sinne niin mitä naisessa köy? :)
    2. Haistoin ensin tuoksusi

      Käännyin katsomaan oletko se todellakin sinä , otin askeleen taakse ja jähmetyin. Moikattiin naamat peruslukemilla. Tu
    3. Olet sä kyllä

      ihme nainen. Mikä on tuo sun viehätysvoiman salaisuus?
    4. Teuvo Hakkaraisesta tulee eurovaalien ääniharava

      Persuissa harmitellaan omaa tyhmyyttä
      Maailman menoa
    5. Hiljaiset hyvästit?

      Vai mikä on :( oonko sanonut jotain vai mitä?
    6. Miksi kohtelit minua kuin tyhmää koiraa?

      Rakastin sinua mutta kohtelit huonosti. Tuntuu ala-arvoiselta. Miksi kuvittelin että joku kohtelisi minua reilusti. Hais
      Särkynyt sydän
    7. Turha mun on yrittää saada yhteyttä

      Oot mikä oot ja se siitä
    8. Kyllä poisto toimii

      Esitin illan suussa kysymyksen, joka koska palstalla riehuvaa häirikköä ja tiedustelin, eikö sitä saa julistettua pannaa
      80 plus
    9. "Joka miekkaan tarttuu, se siihen hukkuu"..

      "Joka miekkaan tarttuu, se siihen hukkuu".. Näin puhui jo aikoinaan Jeesus, kun yksi hänen opetuslapsistaan löi miekalla
    10. Näkymätöntä porukkaa vai ei

      Mon asuu yksin. Mitas mieltä ootte ?