Open the gates
People are curious to meet the new. TV, internet shows us the world, so we want to travel to see it by our own eyes.
We don't want to be leaded. We are the human beings.
When we see how life is elsewhere, we learn and some people will choose their path, what they want, to stay or to go.
Globalization is not to be regulated, but only the Heart Path is the thing that has the true value in the human relations, not law, not money, not fame, but LOVE.
If you take one man away from Finland, here will come much more. They doesn't want to harm anyone, but to see, to stay, to experience.
Globalization has started!! Enjoy!!
And there is a lot of Good People on Earth!!! Imagine.
Answer is in Immigrations
We don't ask why World is like that.
We live in the World, that is like that.
We want to feel LOVE in the life we live, despite who you are the Refugee or not.
Be proud to be Refugee, because many people will in their whole life never travel abroad.
Migration is the ancient. Life is Migration. Human is Migration.
Who has the right to day, that some Land is his?
In both parts, Europe and anywhere.
Land is only the Gods Land.
We are taking care after it. Everyone despite race, because we don't have anything else than that.
Natural changing has brought us here, where we live and THAT WILL BE OUR HOME!!!
Every person's duty is to make Life easier and not to steal, rob, kill, in the Time of the Big Changing.
Refugee is more aware about Mother Earth, than homeland citizen. Please, tell for the rest of people, what Mother Land is about, what Life is about, because some people might forgot it.
Questions we are disturb are not the problems, but the key for tomorrow. Immigration will open the door and stabilize the Life as it should be, because for now, people are having the wrong perception about them self, the world and time.
The Best Finland I even saw was in Library 10
Have been living in Finland over 20 years. I am the migrant from near, but never been in more warm atmosphere during that time, then being in a small place in Library 10 in Helsinki, when at the same time there was the full hall of all kind of people: Middle-East, Somalian, Asian, Europe...Romanien beggars. It was the strong experience to see all the races in one small place.
Another example is the Tempple Church, despite it is Christian, but had many migrants and it has again the best energies from all the Christian churches I've been, because of the great Unity of the Nations. It brings Joy. USA government should understand that and to create the very new Global Net for All the people on Earth.
There is no way back. I don't want to! And Nature will not allow it to happen.
Long livity Carrot is born in Afghanistan
That means that Afghanistan will be in the Future plan.
Does it lye on the Way just between Asia and Europe and Middle East?
Is it the best place to form the new World Government?
Russia has some Afghan Refugees (in 2002 over 100 000 p.)
Saint Cosmo the Greek from 1700 (YouTube) has predicted that from 2016 till a few years more will be the transition time when Middle-East will enroll in to Europe. There will be no World War, but there will be a conflict. Russia will have a small war with Islamic world. In the end will be the bigger crush/suffer, but after that starts the Peace.
Look other Saints, prophecies too.
Baba Vanga
Edgar Ceyce
Renjo Nero
Add the new prophets that you know.
Diana Cooper mention Afghanistan as an important place too.
What we are talking about, when we are talking about the Globalization?
That bananas are from Europe?
That black oil is from Europe?
Thing could be changed upside down too, when Europe has imported things out.
That is a Holy Globalization!
That People are One and No one want bad or to suffer.
Open your Heart!!
Old Wisdom says, that you are not the body
that means that you are not your homeland, color of the skin (race), your property (money, fame), or gender (woman/man).
Wisdom says that Human is a Soul.
Soul is Energy, that come's from the same source.
So, don't identify yourself with all materialistic things
and live a good life.
White man is afraid to loos himself
Europe is a Minority. White Race is afraid to be destroyed.
What we do to feel secure?
We should understand the World.
World is from a God.
World is not a Human's.
God is looking a Man and measuring him, that if Man will behave bad, then God will send cataclysms on Earth.
Cataclysms will bring people closer together.
People will forgive the Race issue and will continue to live together.
Life has born in the East Africa. It has spred to Asia, Europe, Russia, Nort-America and Latin-America. You can think that North is the Young culture and South
Refugees welcome
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