Operation 40: An Elite Global Assassination Group






    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Sweaborg

      Bernadotte, A/S Noratom, Jens Chr. Hauge, William E. Colby, Swedish Gladio Stay Behind Networks (Sveaborg) and the Assassination of Sven Olof Joachim Palme with the .357 IMI Desert Eagle (.357 Magnum Metal Piercing)


      • royal-matrix-uncovered

        Europe’s “Stay Behind” units

        Italy was not alone in having covert “stay behind” units in operation. The operation encompassed all of western Europe. In France the unit was called “Glaive” - again named after a Gladiatorial sword. Austria’s unit was named “Schwert,” also meaning sword. In Turkey the unit was named “Red Sheepskin” and in Greece “Sheepskin.” Sweden’s unit was called “Sveaborg.” In Switzerland it went by the title P26. Other units in Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark and Holland remain unnamed. Not least, the United Kingdom’s unit was simply known as “Stay Behind.”

      • web-spider
        royal-matrix-uncovered kirjoitti:

        Europe’s “Stay Behind” units

        Italy was not alone in having covert “stay behind” units in operation. The operation encompassed all of western Europe. In France the unit was called “Glaive” - again named after a Gladiatorial sword. Austria’s unit was named “Schwert,” also meaning sword. In Turkey the unit was named “Red Sheepskin” and in Greece “Sheepskin.” Sweden’s unit was called “Sveaborg.” In Switzerland it went by the title P26. Other units in Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark and Holland remain unnamed. Not least, the United Kingdom’s unit was simply known as “Stay Behind.”

        tässä koko teksti....

      • iuoerhyuterhu

        Swedish Gladio Stay Behind Networks (Sveaborg)

        SWEDEN (Sveaborg)

        "The network, supported by the US CIA and Britain's MI6, existed from 1958
        until at least 1978 and included 150 standby resistance leaders and special
        arms depots across Sweden." (L Foyen, Reuters, 18/12/90)

        "The Swedish government created in 1958 a full-fledged network known only
        to the Prime Minister and a few selected cabinet ministers, military
        leaders and industrialists. It was led by Swedish businessman, Alvar
        Lindencrona, whose work for the International Chamber of Commerce made it
        possible for him to travel inconspicuously to the US and Britain for
        briefings with the CIA and MI6...It is unclear what happened to the
        organisation after 1978 when Lindencrona retired. He died three years
        later." (L Foyen, Reuters, 18/12/90)

        "Sweden's Chief of Staff, General Bengt Gustafsson, confirmed reports that
        a secret underground resistance group was formed in Sweden during the Cold
        War, but said that the CIA were not involved." (Guardian 21/12/90)

        ""Right wing extremists in Sweden were part of the Stay Behind set-up and
        I cannot understand why the Swedish authorities never took a closer look
        at organisation," the former Nato man said. He went on to name the
        organisation as Sveaborg, which was founded in 1941 by Otto Hallberg and
        is a shadowy and highly secretive group, mainly composed of veteran Swedish
        volunteer battalion members who fought in the Finnish-Soviet war, some of
        whom went on to join the Waffen SS Nordland division." (Searchlight,
        January 1991)

        "Lennart Hansson, an ageing former close associate of Otto Hallberg, says
        that even before the end of the war Hallberg had already begun to put
        together the nuts and bolts of an anticommunist resistance movement.
        Hansson admitted that this movement first made base with officials at the
        US embassy in Stockholm in 1947-48 and that it was promised covert US
        assistance in the event of a Soviet attacK. "The name of the secret
        movement," he said, "was Sveaborg and the nucleus of the movement consisted
        of military personnel." In the 1950's Sveaborg had over 1,000 "contact
        persons" who were the core of the would-be guerilla force. Many of these
        people were serving in the Swedish armed forces and the group held regular
        military exercises. Both Hansson and the still living Sven-Olov Lindholm
        claim that the resistance movement was very much under Hallberg's personal
        direction and control and Hansson maintains that contacts with the US
        continued until about 1955." (Searchlight, January 1991)

        "The former head of the CIA, William Colby, who was stationed in Stockholm
        from 1951-1953, told the Swedish News Agency, TT, that he had been engaged
        in establishing an armed anti-communist movement in Scandinavia."
        (Searchlight, January 1991)

        "Today Sveaborg keeps an extremely low profile but does exist and is said
        to have taken younger people into its ranks. Its only public activity
        takes place on 14 April each year when it gathers at a Stockholm cemetery
        to honour Swedish nazi "hero", Gosta Hallberg-Cuutla, who was killed in
        action on the Finnish front." (Searchlight, January 1991)http://prenzlauerberger.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/operation-gladio-1990/

        Posted 12th November 2011 by Assange Blog

    • snovv-vvhite
    • HämäränRajoilla

      Muistan sen aamun kun Suomessa uutisoitiin Palmen murhasta.

      Mutisin itsekseni SW 357; niin että äitini kuuli, ja kysyi mitä oikein puhuin. Ja sanoin hänelle että Palme ammuttiin Smith Wessonin .357 kaliperisella aseella.

      Tosiasia julkistettiin myöhemmin, sitä ei ensimmäisissä uutisissa ollut.

      Miten saatoin tietää? En tajua itsekään.

      • kakkasuusta

        mandela effekti maksettu pakshka trolli menee pyyhkimän sun toinen persereikä

    • herätys.suomi

      Tässä ketjussa luodaan virheellistä vaikutelmaa siitä kuin salamurhaaminen olisi jotain harvinaista ja tapahtuisi vain hyvin harvoille julkisuuden henkilöille. Todellisuudessa tänään näitä ryhmiä on sijoitettuna kaikissa teollisuusmaissa kaikilla paikkakunnilla - suomi jälleen aivan erityinen "mallioppilas" asiassa.

      Esimerkiksi tuore haminan tapaus on epäilyttävä, jossa koko perhe saatiin pois pelistä. Homma voisi mennä siten, että tällainen ryhmä seuraa, etähäiritsee ja provosoi jopa vuosikausia valittua kohdetta, joka lopulta suivaantuu ja tekee ryhmän tavoitteleman hirmutyön.

      • LLL666

        Ei tässä ollutka pointina puhua murhattua taavisperhettä, jos sitä haluaa keskustella niin avaa uusi ketju.

    • kbkbkbkvjchchc

      David Kelly.....ja monet kymmenet 911 todistajat/tutkijat/aktivistit

    • Mo666ad

      Kyllä sionistit poisti Jörg Haider...

    • mannerheimintie

      Mannerheim on hyvä esimerkki vastuullisesta ja itsetuntoisesta valtiomiehestä.

      Hän otti Savoyssa aina ensin upseerin maljan täytenä, kuten Nietzschekin kirjoitti 'otan maljani mieluummin täytenä', näyttääkseen vain, ettei hän pelkää kuolemaa.
      Snapsi, joka olisi voinut sisältää mitä vain.

      Jos asettuu ihmisten eteen, on kannettava vastuu siitä.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 2 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. 166
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    3. Voi kun mies rapsuttaisit mua sieltä

      Saisit myös sormiisi ihanan tuoksukasta rakkauden mahlaa.👄
    4. Kyllä poisto toimii

      Esitin illan suussa kysymyksen, joka koska palstalla riehuvaa häirikköä ja tiedustelin, eikö sitä saa julistettua pannaa
      80 plus
    5. "Joka miekkaan tarttuu, se siihen hukkuu"..

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    6. Haluan jutella kanssasi Nainen

      Olisiko jo aika tavata ja avata tunteemme...On niin paljon asioita joihin molemmat ehkä haluaisimme saada vastaukset...O
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      Olen valmis Kaikkeen kanssasi...Tulisitko vastaa Rakkaani...Olen todella valmistautunut tulevaan ja miettinyt tulevaisuu
    10. Onko mies niin,

      että sinulle ei riitä yksi nainen? Minulle suhde tarkoittaa sitoutumista, tosin eihän se vankila saa olla kummallekaan.