Hei kaikille älvsbytalon omistajille!
Haluaisin tietoa noista jatkuvasti keskustekupalstoilla olevista älvsbytalojen viosta / rakenne ja rakennusvirheistä, mutta vain nimenomaan älvsbyssä asuvilta, koska tuota spekulaatiota näyttää olevan jokasuunnalla.
Eli kertoisitteko kokemuksistanne älvsbytalon suhteen. mitä olette siitä pitäneet, mitä vikoja on ilmennyt ja miten ne on korjattu? Ja valokuvathan kruunaisi kaiken!
En halua ihmisiä tälle palstalle haukkumaan kyseistä taloa ellei oikeasti asu älvsbytalossa.
Tiedossa on että kaikki ratkaisut ei ehkä ole parhaimmasta päästä, mutta onko niistä oikeasti tullut vahinkoja ja kuinka laajoja. Ja onko tehdas ne korjannut!
Kiitos jo etukäteen kaikille vastanneille!
Hyvää Kesää!
I don't speak Finnish but I can say they are a big (rosvoja ) company that you can find, is being many problems with that company at least in Lapland, I can start with my experience.
Estimate of 170.000 finally over 200.000
Maapera työ arvio 9500 euro finally 24500 euros
They signed in the contract house the ready first week of October finally 2 months later.
When they give me the house the kuntotarkestus mies from Rovaniemi Kaupunki signed the paper who says that the house is ok and he saw that they give me the house with toilets full of kaka and hair from .... All this is with photos and videos.
After 2 weeks leaving on the house pipes frozen, no water and no heater, no Wc, etc they forgot to put insulation under the house after 18 months house continue like that, they come like 10 times to fix it and they didn't do anything because the boss of calls Peter kronman says to their workers, for example, (Jan Hagman )to don't fix the house, everything is recorded so I can prove it because Peter Kronman says that i can leave in this house, sounds very racist and very stupid.
Walls are broken and curved since minute one, they told me that they have to fix but after 18 months continue the same. I have photos and videos.
Water is coming through master bedroom.
Wallpaper is falling down in all house.
Laminatti is lifting up and with holes since minute one.
The freezer and fridge have been changed 4 times because the compressor was broken but finally, I contact Electrolux and they told me that the freezer that they put me on the house was already 3 years old so they put old staff. I have emails to prove.
Gutters are broken since minute one, they come to fix it and they leave in the same situation, in spring water is dropping through the holes.
Tuulitin in the kitchen makes crazy noise when are strong winds outside I told them many times they told me they need to fix it after 18 months nothing happened even the days with strong winds don't suck the air properly. They come to fix it and they didn't do anything plus they scratch all the ruostumaton teräs of the tuulitin, videos, and photos to prove it.
The ilmapumpu Nibe is giving problems since minute one, this winter was out many days and they didn't come to fix it they told me that I need to contact someone and after that, they send to my bill when is under warranty. I have been many days without a heater or hot water, taking showers in the gym or friends house, even the Wc didn't have water so pipi and kaka sometimes you know where seriously not from this century, this company are just a thief especially this Peter Kronman, I try to contact him in more than 50 times with my lawyer in front on me and nothing and not the only one because a few houses close to me they are having some issues.
Laundry machine pipes were outside of the house and after 5 times getting frozen they come and put them inside my house i didn't like it but I didn't have a choice or this or be all winter without water.
Small wc all the nails from the wall are going out so you can imagine how you see the wall I talk to them to Jan Hagman and told to me that yes must be fixed but when and where is the compensation for all those problems.
There are many more things but I don't want to boring you if you have any questions or whatever send me an email and I will send photos and videos with all the "mistakes".
Have a great day
Täytyy olla tilattu herja tuo edellinen, uskomattomalta vaikuttaa.
- Anonyymi
Kokemusta on jo 90-luvulta. Hyvin toimi meille 100 m2 Älvsbytalo. Kuluu kuten kaikki talot, mutta muuta ei tarvinnut tehdä kuin kulutuksen mukaan pintaremonttia.
Märkätilat -muovi vai laatta. Muovi siitä hyvä, että kunto helppo arvioida - laattalattian/seinän pitävyydestä ei ole koskaan takeita.
2000 luvulta toinen kokemus lähes samanlaisesta talosta - Lohitar, jota vastaava uusimalli on nykyään Elias. Kokemukset lähinnä myönteisiä - pintaremontit on jälleen riittävät toimenpiteet olleet. Rakentaminen sujui hyvin - luovutustarkastuksessa reklamoimani puutteet korjattiin nurisematta.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
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