Hauska video
- hauska video
Ja sen ymmärtää kaikki :P
- banaanimies2
hauskaa tos oli?
- ei tietoo
banaanimies2 kirjoitti:
hauskaa tos oli?
Varmaan kai idiootti huumori.
- agdagdashdshdhfd
ei tietoo kirjoitti:
Varmaan kai idiootti huumori.
Ry Ry Ry dyddydyddyy
taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard....they taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard..taking the hobit isengard...GOOG,GOOD,Good
Klonkku say: what you say?...
Elrond: Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him.
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
Klonkku say: what you say?
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
thei taked the hobit to isengard - Nimloth
agdagdashdshdhfd kirjoitti:
Ry Ry Ry dyddydyddyy
taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard....they taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard..taking the hobit isengard...GOOG,GOOD,Good
Klonkku say: what you say?...
Elrond: Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him.
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
Klonkku say: what you say?
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
thei taked the hobit to isengardVideossa ei "esiinny" Elrond vaan Celeborn...
- hupaopasás
Nimloth kirjoitti:
Videossa ei "esiinny" Elrond vaan Celeborn...
- ja tää on junteille...
hupaopasás kirjoitti:
Ja kukahan tollastakin jaksaa editoida. Max Os rulettaa, ilmeisesti...
- Sanooko smeagol mitä?
ja tää on junteille... kirjoitti:
Ja kukahan tollastakin jaksaa editoida. Max Os rulettaa, ilmeisesti...
Fuck you say?
Vit*u mitän sinä sanoit? - Celewen
Sanooko smeagol mitä? kirjoitti:
Fuck you say?
Vit*u mitän sinä sanoit?..."what you say"
- englannissa
Celewen kirjoitti:
..."what you say"
se sanoo "what did you say?",
- celewen
englannissa kirjoitti:
se sanoo "what did you say?",
- witch_king
agdagdashdshdhfd kirjoitti:
Ry Ry Ry dyddydyddyy
taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard....they taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard..taking the hobit isengard...GOOG,GOOD,Good
Klonkku say: what you say?...
Elrond: Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him.
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
Klonkku say: what you say?
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
thei taked the hobit to isengardRy Ry Ry dyddydyddyy
taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard....they taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard...taking the hobit isengard..taking the hobit isengard...GOOG,GOOD,Good
Klonkku say: what you say?...
Elrond: Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him.
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
Klonkku say: what you say?
Legolas: Balrog of morgoth
thei taked the hobit to isengard
se on celeborn ku sanoo:Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him. Tell me where is Gandalf, i much the speek with him.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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