R.I.P Paul Hunter

J Snooker

Yksi parhaista on poissa.Paul Hunter menehtyi vain 27 vuotiaana. Voimia vaimolle ja pienelle tytölle.





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    • Lepää rauhassa, surunvalittelut vaimolle ja tyttärelle. Paul Hunter oli yksi parhaista, ja nostan hänelle hattua...

      Pelatkaapa seuraavat pelinne Hunterin muistolle.

      • ei syöpäkääryleille

        Onneksi nykyään bilis-luolat ovat menossa savuttomuuteen, passiivinen tupakointi kun lisää syöpäriskiä.

        Leeds professional Paul Hunter lost his brave battle against cancer when he passed away at the Kirkwood hospice in Huddersfield on 9th October just five days short of his twenty-eighth birthday. First diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2005, the much admired former World No.4 had demonstrated immense courage and dignity as he chose to fulfil all his professional playing commitments on the 2005/06 Tour despite the debilitating effects of his illness and the on-going courses of chemotherapy applied in an attempt to control and eradicate a rare form of cancer producing neuro endocrine tumours.

        Following a sudden deterioration in his condition four days earlier, the three-times Masters champion was transferred to the hospice where he later died with his wife Lindsey at his bedside. One of the most universally popular figures the game has ever produced, the likeable Yorkshireman will be sadly missed by both fellow professionals and snooker fans worldwide who will always fondly remember his cheeky smile and thoroughly endearing character which epitomised his every genuine gesture….

        Modest in victory and gracious in defeat, the former World No.4 began life from humble beginnings on the challenging Moortown estate in Leeds. Born on 14th October 1978, Paul Alan Hunter was to become the latest in a long line of top sporting talents to hail from the English county of Yorkshire. He first picked up a cue at the age of seven and was a natural from the very beginning.

        Educated at the Cardinal Heenan High School in Leeds, Paul Hunter, encouraged by family and friends, spent many hours at the practice table, and by the age of 12, had become an outstanding junior talent. Under the careful guidance of experienced professionals Jimmy Michie and former World Champion Joe Johnson, the Leeds youngster saw his boyhood dreams come true when he made his debut amongst the professional ranks in July 1995.

        The Leeds rookie was destined to make an immediate impact on the World scene, and at the age of 17 became one of the youngest players ever to reach the last four of a major ranking event when appearing as a semi-finalist in the 1996 Welsh Open. Two years later, Paul Hunter returned to Welsh soil where he secured his first major tournament success, when he defeated World No. 2 John Higgins 9-5 to take the 1998 Regal Welsh Open title.

        In securing the 1998 Regal Welsh, Paul Hunter became the second youngest winner ever of a major professional event. During February 2001 the Leeds based professional landed the prestigious Benson & Hedges Masters title and a first prize of £175,000. 2002 provided further success for Paul Hunter as he won the 2002 Regal Welsh before going on to retain his Benson & Hedges Masters crown.

        In huge demand by the national media following his dramatic victories in both the 2001 and 2002 Benson & Hedges Masters, Paul Hunter had become the pin-up boy of snooker and firmly established as a favourite of both the UK and overseas press.

        Three semi-final appearances plus victory in the 2002 British Open highlighted an outstanding 2002/03 campaign for the Yorkshireman who had then moved up to No.8 on the Official World ranking list.

        A semi-finalist in the 2003 Embassy World Championship, Paul Hunter continued to build on his massive media following. Numerous television, radio, press, and fashion magazine appearances further enhanced his glittering career, and in 2004, the Leeds cueman was to become only the third player to win three Masters titles as he recovered from 2-7 down to beat Ronnie O’Sullivan 10-9.

        A household name across the globe, the easy going mild mannered Yorkshireman had become not only snooker’s hottest property but also one of the best loved characters the game had ever produced. An overwhelming success and with a growing following from snooker fans across the world, highly fashionable and increasingly high profile Paul Hunter helped to change the face of snooker forever by attracting a new and younger audience to the sport.

        Despite being diagnosed with cancer in March 2005, the genuine Yorkshireman continued to compete with total commitment, and despite the tiring side effects of his illness, always found time and energy to sign autographs and communicate with his adoring army of fans.

        Much to the delight of snooker fans worldwide, the birth of baby daughter Evie Rose gave Paul Hunter one of his proudest moments when he became a father for the first time on Boxing Day 2005.

        His brave appearance at the 2005 World Championship and his personal determination to compete during the following season stand as testament to a man, who despite modest beginnings, leaves behind an outstanding example that most can only aspire to from the Yorkshireman who became champion in more ways than one.

    • Mestarin kuolema

      Paul Hunter oli loistava pelaaja sekä persoona. Joskus tuntuu siltä että parhaat viedään päältä ensin.

      Harvat uutiset pysäyttävät, mutta tämä sen teki.

      Taivas on saanut uuden mestarin.

    • Snooker

      Siinä kuoli helvetin hieno snookerin pelaaja... Voimia ja jaksamisia vaimolle ja lapselle... syvät pahoittelut!

    • Fan of Paul Hunter & Sn...

      Paul Hunter oli yksi parhaista... Suurin suosikkini. Surullista ja sen ylitsepääseminen on vaikeata hänen läheisilleen, faneilleen, pelikavereilleen sekä minulle.

      Paulin vaimolle, lapselle ja vanhemmilleen voimia.

      Paul, kaikki rakastivat ja tulevat rakastamaan sinua.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      Maailman menoa
    2. Muuttaisiko viesti mitään

      Haluaisin laittaa viestin, mutta muuttaisiko se mitään. Oletko yhä yhtä ehdoton vai valmis kyseenalaistamaan asenteesi j
    3. Jos sinulla kiinnostaisi

      Nyt, miten antaisit minun ymmärtää sen?
    4. Valpuri Nykänen elokapina

      Aikas kiihkomielinen nainen kun mtv:n uutiset haastatteli. Tuollaisiako ne kaikki on.
      Maailman menoa
    5. Oon vähän ihastunut suhun nainen

      Vaikka toisin jokin aika sitten väitin mutta saat mut haluamaan olemaan parempi ihminen :)
    6. Jospa me nähtäisiin

      Sinne suuntaan menossa🤣
    7. Se että tavattiin

      Hyvin arkisissa olosuhteissa oli hyvä asia. Olimme molemmat lähestulkoon aina sitä mitä oikeasti olemme. Tietysti pieni
    8. Elämä jatkuu

      Onneksi ilman sinua
    9. Oot pala mun sielua

      Jos toivot, että lähden mä lähden. Jos toivot, että jään mä jään. Koen, että olet mun sielunkumppani, mutta lämmöllä my
    10. Hei T........

      Ajattelin kertoa että edelleen välillä käyt mielessä.... En ole unohtanut sinua, enkä varmasti ikinä... Vaikka on kulunu