Tuosta linkistä löytyy pätkä Ayn Randin kirjasta "Atlas Shrugged". Aineena on raha ja mitä se on....
Money is the root of all evil?
- rahan valtaa
Tuo perustuu valtion pakkovallan käyttöön. Rahalla ei ole valtaa. Valtiolla on valtaa.
- toteuttaa
itseään niin hyvässä kuin pahassa
Kummallista, että pahat keräävät sitä ja ahneudessaan turmeltuvat itse henkisesti
Raha tuo useimmiten ihmisen huonot puolet korostuneina esiin
ja pahat ja ahneet ihmiset keräävät sitä eneiten.
Raha itsessään ei ole hyvä eikä paha. - niin se on
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/1770/Engl ish.html
The Chilean Anti-Communist League is an organization dedicated to exposing and opposing the real threat of Communism not only in Chile, but worldwide. We want people in Chile and all over the world to learn and be aware of the Communist threat and what it poses. Communists usually claim they are good, and that they want world peace, which is just lies to deceive people, because they do just the opposite. They usually create war, abolish personal freedoms, and try to clamp down on individualistic creativity. Under Communism, the people become slaves of the vast government machine, who controls every aspect, no matter how small, of each citizen. Economically, they are a failure, as you can see why the people, tired of economic ruin, themselves have overthrown Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. They are hypocrites because they say one thing, and do another in order to deceive people and create chaos and anarchy from where they can take over. If you want to know our ideas regarding Chile as well as many world issues, view it here.
Communists have only caused pain and suffering wherever they have taken over. They don't believe in the well being of people, just in the well being of "Party Members". Communist dictators and fellow Party Members are usually the only people well off,in most cases living like Czars or the worst "burgeouis" they criticize so much. In Chile they nearly lead the country to civil war. In Eastern Europe and Russia millions were killed for having "petty Burgeuois" tendencies. The worst and most opressive dictators in history have been Communists; to name a few examples: J.Stalin, Fidel Castro, Gen. Jaruzelski and Ceausescu in Romania, just to name a few. Isn't it tiresome to hear these Communists label anything against their ideas as "fascists" and "racist" or "nazi"? We must stop communism whenever it shows it's taking roots. - ihmiset.
Isompaa ja isompaa kämppää, autoa ja - lisää tavaraa. Yhtä ei voi ostaa. Aitoa rakkautta.
rakkauteen ei kykene, jos on sielunsa myynyt tavaralle=ahneudelle. Voit ihan oikeasti menettää kyvyn rakastaa. - näin käy
katso hyvä filmi Planeten
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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