A tourist has been visiting Cuba for a week. He is leaving the next day and he still hasn't tried the food.
He goes to a restaurant and sits down to order and then sees what the man next to him has. It looks very tasty.
The waiter comes to take his order and the tourist tells him he wants what the other man beside him is having. The waiter says there is no more left.
The tourist then asks him what the meal is and the waiter replies that it is the testicles from the bull that lost the bullfight earlier that morning. He tells the tourist that if he comes back tomorrow he'll save this meal for him.
The tourist thinks, "What the heck, it'll be my last day here," so he comes back the next day and the waiter has his food prepared for him when he comes.
The man eats the meal and thinks it is delicious. But he is confused about one thing. He calls the waiter over and asks him why his meal looked smaller than the meal the other man had the day before.
The waiter replies, "Oh, sorry sir, sometimes the bull wins."
ihanaa härkää
- I`m sorry, but
they´re not having bullfights in Cuba. Otherwise, I like your jokes.
- it´s just like that
Elikäs kielten lisäksi kannattaa opetella hieman yleistietoakin. Ja todellakin olisi suositeltavaa kirjoittaa otsikot samalla kielellä kuin muukin viesti, eller hur? Vad skulle du ha tyckt om den här notisen, hade jag skrivit bara svenska eller något även tristare språk?
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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