# There was a guy who had been having chronic trouble in trying to get an erection. After weeks of frustration, he finally breaks down and goes to the doctor. The doctor gives him a thorough examination and finally makes the diagnosis.
# "Well, there's good news and there's bad news," she says. "The bad news is that the muscles around your penis are deteriorating, and there is no cure."
# The guy, on the verge of panic, finally regains his composure.
# "So what's the good news?" he asks.
# The doctor says, "There is an experimental treatment available, but there are no guarantees. It involves transplanting the muscles from a baby elephant's trunk into your penis. Would you like to try it?"
# The guy thinks about it and finally says, "Well, the thought of going through life without being able to have sex is just too much for me. What have I got to lose? Let's do it."
# So the doctor performs the operation.
# A few weeks later, the guy takes his girlfriend out to a nice restaurant to celebrate his new equipment. While sitting at the table, he feels a stirring between his legs; it gets progressively worse until it reaches the point of being painful.
# Seeking relief, he reaches down and unzips his fly to relieve some of the pressure.
# Suddenly, his penis leaps free from his pants, slides over the tabletop and grabs a dinner roll, then returns to his pants again.
# "Wow!" says his stunned girlfriend, "That was impressive! Can you do that again?"
# Eyes watering and face flushed, he says, "Probably...But I don't know if I can fit another dinner roll up my ass!"
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