voisko joku suomentaa? olis kiva ku olin nauhottanu lostin ja sit se ei ollutkaan mennyt nauhalle. katsoin itse, mut en osaa selittää sit toiselle ja sanoin puol välis ohjelmaa sil et "älä ny tuu kattoo ku kato sit nauhalta alusta asti"... painaa mieltä :( tiiän et se on pitkä suomentaa mut ku en ite osaa kun muutaman sanan ja en viitti sen takii ruveta englantia opiskelemaa.
kai tää on sit se jakso "pelastukoon ken voi" jos ei oo ni sivult: http://www.tv.com/lost/show/24313/episode_listings.html?season=3&tag=season_dropdown;dropdown;2
löytyy oikee jakso ja sit suomentaa se.
The episode begins with a flashback from Mr. Eko's childhood. He is stealing from the church to get some food for his brother, Yemi, but he is caught in the act by a nun. She immediately takes him into the church so Eko can give his confession for sinning. Eko believes that he was only stealing so he could get some food for his brother, but the woman persists. Eko appears to have trouble with this.
Present-day Eko appears to be in a comatose state, as Sayid, who has apparently gotten back from the two-day trip from the other side of the island, is checking on him. As Sayid and Charlie are leaving, Eko is snapped out of his trance when his brother Yemi appears to him, telling him that it is time for Eko to confess his sins. Meanwhile, as Sayid and Charlie are walking away, the hut that Eko is in has now seemingly caught on fire, and Sayid races to put it out as Charlie pulls Eko out of the fire. Once the fire is put out, they are surprised to find that Eko is gone.
Meanwhile, Jack is invited by Ben to attend a memorial service being held for Colleen, the woman who Jack could not save. Jack takes this opportunity to talk to Ben about his spinal tumor, as he has figured out that it is him from his x-rays. Jack asks him if he's had any symptoms, but Ben insists that he doesn't know what Jack's talking about. As the procession continues, Ben asks Juliet, who has also attended, why she told Jack about his x-rays. She replies that she did show him the x-rays, but she never told him that they were Ben's.
Later, Juliet visits Jack in his prison. She puts a tape in the VCR. On the tape, Juliet is holding several signs. This allows her to communicate a message to Jack without any of the video cameras in the room (or Ben) picking up on it. On the tape, Juliet tells Jack that she wants Ben to die, but it has to look like an accident. She tells Jack to do the operation and to "accidentally" kill Ben on the operating table.
Back at the camp, Locke and Desmond discuss how they will rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Desmond reminds them that the hatch could not only be used for simply pushing the button, but also for communication, and that they can use it to make contact with the Others. Sayid points out that the hatch exploded, and Locke suggests that they go to the other station, The Pearl, and see if they can get it to work there. When Sayid brings up that Eko has disappeared, Locke asks if he said anything beforehand, and Charlie brings up that Eko was mumbling something about his brother. Locke immediately figures out that Eko is going back to the plane where his brother was left, right on top of The Pearl, and that they're all going to the same place.
A motley crew of Locke, Desmond, Sayid, and newcomers Nikki and Paolo journey to The Pearl. While in the station, they see TV screens that show the other stations around the island. On one of them, a mysterious man with an eye patch appears.
In Eko's flashbacks, we learn what happened immediately after his brother was killed. He returns to Yemi's church and takes over as the priest. A trio of hooligans arrives, explaining that they had worked out an "agreement" with Yemi in which they take 80% of the vaccines the Red Cross delivers, while leaving the rest for the townspeople. Eko refuses to honor this agreement. Later, the hooligans confront Eko in the church, intending to chop off his hand for disrespecting them. Instead, Eko frees himself and kills all three men. When the townspeople see what has transpired, they close down the church because it is no longer holy.
On the island, Eko is confronted by the smoke monster, which has taken the form of Yemi. Yemi tells Eko that he must confess his sins. Eko refuses, saying that he has not sinned. He did only what he needed to survive.
Yemi transforms back into the smoke monster, which lifts up Eko, shakes him around, and smashes him into trees. Down in the Pearl station, Locke and the others hear the commotion and rush to find Eko.
They find Eko on the ground, near death. With his last words, Eko whispers something to Locke, then dies. And what were those final words? "He said we're next," Locke reveals.
voisko joku?
- dfrtsgvt
tarkotat sit varmaan sitä jaksoo ku tuli 6.9.07?
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