The high price of oil has wreaked and it is constantly wreaking havoc on the economy of the archenemy of Arabs: the United States. So the silent tactics of Muslims has functioned extremely well, admitted. Also the very expensive “war against terrorism” undermines the U.S. economy when troops have got stuck in the deserts of the Middle East and the mission looks eternal !
But now Americans may lose entirely the oil of the Middle East, if the inventions of the Islamic movement are going to realise. The Arabs offer the oil treasure of the Middle east to China in exchange for the military aid and alliance with the Asian superpower. And it`s obvious that the offer is irresistible: when the booming driving among the people of 1.3 billion Chinese is taken into consideration. It`s a deal of two, if the Chinese help the Arab nations to throw out every Americans and their allies of the oil fields, their vast need of oil in the future has been solved.
In any case the liberation war of Arabs and Muslims by the World`s Islamic movement has began and there is no doubt which a huge bloc will occupy the oil treasures of the whole Middle East. It is called “the happy end”, if we only think how many pure Arab and Muslim countries; Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia are just now robbed for the oil reason by the United States, also according to the ex-chief of the U.S. Central Bank, Alain Greenspan, in his book. No doubt, it`s the happy end to all oppressed human beings in the Middle East and also the real European Christians are very happy about it.
Arabs offer oil to China
European News office
- name dropping
We just couldn't care less.
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