Eli nyt joku turboista tietävä vois kertoa vähän näitä alan käsitteitä selviksi?
Ku puhutaan "turbo flutter:sta" niin mitä silloin tarkoitetaan? Olen saanut sellaisen kuvan että silloin ei olisi dumppia ollenkaan käytössä...olenko oikeassa? :O Voiko ko äänen saada mihin turbiinikulkineeseen tahansa? Esim. tässä videossa sellainen äännähdys: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SF0JO9TfSjw&feature=related
Entäs sitten, kun Kaukana_Alhaalla on niissä ahdetuissa raadoissa melkeenpä minkälaisia sudenvinguntoja tahansa niin mistähän ne mahtaa olla peräisin? Esim. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RdV33Enslww&feature=related
Onko hukkaportti ekalla videolla näistä kahdesta?
Eli kiteytettynä, mitä täytyy tehdä saadakseen autonsa vinkumaan noin hervottomasti? :) Ja toinen onko noi "turbo flutter" ja "dose" sama asia (ainakin kuulostaa melko samanlaisilta)
Kiitos postauksista!
Turbon äännähdyksiä
- 134513451345
Ääni syntyy kun ahtimen paineet lyö takaisin siipiin kun kaasuläppä suljetaan... Tosin tämä on helpoin tapa saada ahdin rikki... ja liukulaakereilla varustetun vielä helpommin = leikkaa kiinni. Kuulalaakeriahtimessa kestää paremmin. syy= ahdin pyörii noin 10.000 RPM josta paine heittää sen hetkeksi pyörimään toiseen suuntaan.
- R. Aivo
Kerroppa mikä turbo pyörii 10.000 RPM????
- haahaahahaa
no ei se paine sitä hyrrää kuiteskaa toiseen suuntaan ala pyörittää hehhehhehh..korkeintaan hidastaa!
- pieniä pojan palleroita
haahaahahaa kirjoitti:
no ei se paine sitä hyrrää kuiteskaa toiseen suuntaan ala pyörittää hehhehhehh..korkeintaan hidastaa!
Tässä teille tietoa ensinnäkin MITEN ahdin toimii ja pieni ote wikipedian tietokannasta mitä tapahtuu kun paineet lyö takaisin ahtimen siipiin!
Huom! Parhaimmillaan ahtimen pyörimisnopeus voi olla jopa 150.000rpm!
Anti-Surge/Dump/Blow Off Valves
Turbo charged engines operating at wide open throttle and high rpm require a large volume of air to flow between the turbo and the inlet of the engine. When the throttle is closed compressed air will flow to the throttle valve without an exit (i.e. the air has nowhere to go).
This causes a surge which can raise the pressure of the air to a level which can be destructive to the engine e.g. damage may occur to the throttle plate, induction pipes may burst. The surge will also decompress back across the turbo as this is the only path that the air can take. This sudden flow of air will often cause turbulence and a subsequent whistling noise as the air passes past the compressor wheel.
The reverse flow back across the turbo acts on the compressor wheel and causes the turbine shaft to reduce in speed quicker than it would naturally. When the throttle is opened again, the turbo will have to make up for lost momentum and will take longer to achieve the required speed, as turbo speed is proportional to boost/volume flow. In order to prevent this from happening, a valve is fitted between the turbo and inlet which vents off the excess air pressure. These are known as an anti-surge, bypass, blow-off or dump valve. They are normally operated by engine vacuum.
The primary use of this valve is to prevent damage to the engine by a surge of compressed air and to maintain the turbo spinning at a high speed. The air is usually recycled back into the turbo inlet but can also be vented to the atmosphere. Recycling back into the turbo causes the venting sound to be reduced and can actually help keep the turbo spooled while changing gears. The benefits of venting to the atmosphere are simply the ease of installation (because there is no need to run an extra hose to plumb the charge back into the system) and that it makes a sound considered desirable by some. There are no performance benefits for venting to the atmosphere. - Dumppailija
pieniä pojan palleroita kirjoitti:
Tässä teille tietoa ensinnäkin MITEN ahdin toimii ja pieni ote wikipedian tietokannasta mitä tapahtuu kun paineet lyö takaisin ahtimen siipiin!
Huom! Parhaimmillaan ahtimen pyörimisnopeus voi olla jopa 150.000rpm!
Anti-Surge/Dump/Blow Off Valves
Turbo charged engines operating at wide open throttle and high rpm require a large volume of air to flow between the turbo and the inlet of the engine. When the throttle is closed compressed air will flow to the throttle valve without an exit (i.e. the air has nowhere to go).
This causes a surge which can raise the pressure of the air to a level which can be destructive to the engine e.g. damage may occur to the throttle plate, induction pipes may burst. The surge will also decompress back across the turbo as this is the only path that the air can take. This sudden flow of air will often cause turbulence and a subsequent whistling noise as the air passes past the compressor wheel.
The reverse flow back across the turbo acts on the compressor wheel and causes the turbine shaft to reduce in speed quicker than it would naturally. When the throttle is opened again, the turbo will have to make up for lost momentum and will take longer to achieve the required speed, as turbo speed is proportional to boost/volume flow. In order to prevent this from happening, a valve is fitted between the turbo and inlet which vents off the excess air pressure. These are known as an anti-surge, bypass, blow-off or dump valve. They are normally operated by engine vacuum.
The primary use of this valve is to prevent damage to the engine by a surge of compressed air and to maintain the turbo spinning at a high speed. The air is usually recycled back into the turbo inlet but can also be vented to the atmosphere. Recycling back into the turbo causes the venting sound to be reduced and can actually help keep the turbo spooled while changing gears. The benefits of venting to the atmosphere are simply the ease of installation (because there is no need to run an extra hose to plumb the charge back into the system) and that it makes a sound considered desirable by some. There are no performance benefits for venting to the atmosphere.Eli tollasta ei voi asentaa ilman että on vaaraa ahtimen rikkoutumisesta? Muutenko ei tollasta ääntä saa ku "dose pipella"? :O Ja kertokaa nyt vielä se että sillonko ei oo mtn ulosvirtausventtiiliä jos tollanen ääni ulos pihisee...kiitos
- 2341234
Dumppailija kirjoitti:
Eli tollasta ei voi asentaa ilman että on vaaraa ahtimen rikkoutumisesta? Muutenko ei tollasta ääntä saa ku "dose pipella"? :O Ja kertokaa nyt vielä se että sillonko ei oo mtn ulosvirtausventtiiliä jos tollanen ääni ulos pihisee...kiitos
Jos haluaa ahtimen sakkaamaan niin silloin ei ole minkäänlaista dumppia tai by-passia välissä joka siirtäisi paineet pois kaasuläpän ja ahtimen väliltä.
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