GTA San Andreas Superman Koodi ??

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Mikä on Gta san andreasin Ps2 Superman Koodi ????????????????????????!!!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • LOLZ!

      Jeps, sitä ei oo ps2:lle.

      Se on vain internetin gta-suomeen.

      Ja turha ruveta kyselemään gta-suomest, sillä siinä pitää ladata kymmeniä viruksien-tuoja ohjelmaa ja ne kaikki veisi tietokoneesi tilan.

      - Rewi siitä.

      • LOLZ!

        No lol gta finland ei vie ees mitää tilaa mul on se ja fast furious cars mode

    • arexei

      004F: create_thread ££SCJ_1

      03A4: name_thread 'SCJMEMB'
      0006: @18 = -1 ;; integer values

      0001: wait 50 ms
      00D6: if 0
      0256: is_player_playing $PLAYER
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_91
      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @0 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_91
      00D6: if 1
      06EE: is_char @0 in_group $PLAYER_GROUP
      8118: NOT is_char @0 dead
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_91

      00D6: if 0
      803B: NOT @10 == @0 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_24
      00D6: if 0
      8039: NOT @18 == 7 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_24
      000A: @18 = 1 ;; integer values
      092B: get_group $PLAYER_GROUP member_from_slot @18 store_to @10
      0001: wait 0 ms
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_14

      0819: get_char @0 distance_from_ground_to @17
      0819: get_char $SCPLAYER distance_from_ground_to @16
      06AC: get_char $SCPLAYER movement_speed_to @8
      000B: @8 = 50.0 ;; floating-point values
      0087: @9 = @8 ;; floating-point values only
      0013: @9 *= -1.0 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      0611: is_char @0 performing_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL"
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_82
      00D6: if 1
      0023: 3.0 > @16 ;; floating-point values
      0023: 3.0 > @17 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_41
      0173: set_char @0 Z_angle_to @13
      0812: char @0 perform_animation "PARA_LAND" group "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 limT 1000 ;versionB
      0001: wait 500 ms
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_3

      0871: init_jump_table @18 total_jumps 6 0 ££SCJMEMB_42 jumps 1 ££SCJMEMB_44 2 ££SCJMEMB_46 3 ££SCJMEMB_48 4 ££SCJMEMB_50 5 ££SCJMEMB_52 6 ££SCJMEMB_54 -1 ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -2.0 2.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 2.0 2.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 3.0 -2.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -3.0 -2.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 5.0 -4.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -5.0 -4.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_55

      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 -4.0 2.0 store_to @23 @24 @25

      04C4: get_char @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      0509: get_distance_between_2D_coord @20 @21 and_2D_coord @23 @24 store_to @15
      0063: @23 -= @20 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @24 -= @21 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @25 -= @22 ;; floating-point values
      0604: get_point @23 @24 angle_to @13
      0604: get_point @25 @15 angle_to @14
      0013: @14 *= -1.0 ;; floating-point values
      083E: set_char @0 rotations_XYZ @14 0.0 @13 ;float char air
      00D6: if 0
      0025: @23 > @8 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_68
      0087: @23 = @8 ;; floating-point values only

      00D6: if 0
      0025: @9 > @23 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_72
      0087: @23 = @9 ;; floating-point values only

      00D6: if 0
      0025: @24 > @8 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_76
      0087: @24 = @8 ;; floating-point values only

      00D6: if 0
      0025: @9 > @24 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_80
      0087: @24 = @9 ;; floating-point values only

      083C: set_char @0 velocity_in_direction_XYZ @23 @24 @25 ;float world hi
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_3

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @16 > 3.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_86
      0812: char @0 perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL" group "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 limT -1 ;versionB

      00D6: if 1
      0021: @17 > 3.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_3
      0812: char @0 perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL" group "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 limT -1 ;versionB
      0002: jump ££SCJMEMB_3

      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @0 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJMEMB_95
      01C2: mark_char_as_no_longer_needed @0

      004E: end_thread

      03A4: name_thread 'SCJ'
      0001: wait 1500 ms
      0A1F: set_stat 24 max_to 1000.0
      0629: change_stat 64 to 1000 ;; integer values
      0330: set_player $PLAYER infinite_run_to 1
      0007: @9 = 10.0 ;; floating-point values
      0007: @11 = 2.0 ;; floating-point values
      0007: @12 = 0.0 ;; floating-point values
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 7 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 8 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 9 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 10 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 11 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 12 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 13 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 14 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 15 ;global v
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 16 ;global v

      0001: wait 50 ms
      00D6: if 0
      09C8: are_menu_subtitles_switched_on
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_92
      00D6: if 0
      0256: is_player_playing $PLAYER
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_19
      06F0: set_group $PLAYER_GROUP separation_range 500.0
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_320
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_333
      00D6: if 0
      80DF: NOT is_char $SCPLAYER driving
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_19
      00D6: if 0
      04EE: has_animation_loaded "PARACHUTE"
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_318
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_113
      0090: $10949 = float_to_integer @9
      04F7: status_text $10949 type 1 line 4 GXT_reference 'DUMMY'
      04F7: status_text $11242.25 type 1 line 3 GXT_reference 'DUMMY'
      0819: get_char $SCPLAYER distance_from_ground_to @16
      06AC: get_char $SCPLAYER movement_speed_to @8
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_349
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_405
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_370
      00D6: if 0
      8021: NOT @16 > 2.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_51
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_98
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_145
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_197
      0002: jump ££SCJ_308

      00D6: if 0
      84AD: NOT is_char $SCPLAYER touching_water
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_308
      00D6: if 0
      0021: @16 > 3.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_305
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 16 ;global v
      02AB: set_char $SCPLAYER immunities_to_BP 0 FP 0 EP 0 DP 1 WP_or_NP 0
      00D6: if 1
      8611: NOT is_char $SCPLAYER performing_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL"
      8611: NOT is_char $SCPLAYER performing_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE"
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_66
      0687: clear_char_task $SCPLAYER
      0007: @12 = 0.0 ;; floating-point values
      0002: jump ££SCJ_76

      00D6: if 0
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 8
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_82
      0001: wait 250 ms
      00D6: if 0
      08B4: is $11243.25 bit 12 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_75
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 12 ;global v
      0002: jump ££SCJ_76

      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 12 ;global v

      00D6: if 0
      08B4: is $11243.25 bit 12 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_81
      0812: char $SCPLAYER perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" group "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 limT -1 ;versionB
      0002: jump ££SCJ_82

      0812: char $SCPLAYER perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL" group "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 limT -1 ;versionB

      0050: gosub ££SCJ_270
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_225
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_239
      00D6: if 0
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 16
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_19
      0050: gosub ££SCJ_398
      0687: clear_char_task $SCPLAYER
      0001: wait 3000 ms
      0002: jump ££SCJ_19

      00D6: if 0
      08B4: is $11243.25 bit 16 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_97
      02AB: set_char $SCPLAYER immunities_to_BP 0 FP 0 EP 0 DP 0 WP_or_NP 0
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 16 ;global v

      0002: jump ££SCJ_19

      00D6: if 3
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 14 set ;global v
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 5
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 7
      0019: @17 > 499 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_112
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -5.0 5.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 5.0 5.0 0.0 store_to @22 @23 @24
      09C0: get_vehicle_within_rectangle_cornerL_at_2D_coord @20 @21 cornerR_at_2D_coord @22 @23 height 15.0 with_modelID -1 handle_as @0 ;out
      00D6: if 0
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_112
      004F: create_thread ££SCJA_1 @0
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 14 ;global v

      0051: return

      00D6: if 0
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 13 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_122
      00D6: if 2
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 10
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 17
      0019: @17 > 499 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_143
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 13 ;global v

      00D6: if 21
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 11
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 17
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_142
      000E: @17 -= 3 ;; integer values
      008A: $11242.25 = @17 ;; integer values and handles
      0014: $11242.25 /= 5 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      0019: @17 > 10 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_142
      008F: @20 = integer_to_float $11242.25
      0013: @20 *= .01 ;; floating-point values
      000F: @20 -= 1.0 ;; floating-point values
      0097: make @20 absolute_float
      00D6: if 0
      0023: .4 > @20 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_140
      0007: @20 = .4 ;; floating-point values

      015D: set_gamespeed_to @20 ;float
      0051: return

      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 13 ;global v

      015D: set_gamespeed_to 1.0 ;float
      0051: return

      00D6: if 1
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 7
      0019: @17 > 6 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_196
      0001: wait 0 ms
      000E: @17 -= 5 ;; integer values
      008A: $11242.25 = @17 ;; integer values and handles
      0014: $11242.25 /= 5 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 7
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_196
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -20.0 -20.0 0.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 20.0 -20.0 0.0 store_to @25 @26 @27
      073E: get_vehicle_within_sphere_with_center_at_3D_coord @20 @21 @22 radius 10.0 with_modelID -1 handle_as @0 ;in npc
      00D6: if 0
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_164
      0002: jump ££SCJ_168

      09C0: get_vehicle_within_rectangle_cornerL_at_2D_coord @23 @24 cornerR_at_2D_coord @25 @26 height 40.0 with_modelID -1 handle_as @0 ;out
      00D6: if 0
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_145

      046C: get_vehicle @0 driver_handle_to @20
      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @20 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_173
      009B: delete_char @20

      0407: get_vehicle @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0063: @20 -= @23 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @21 -= @24 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @20 *= 4.0 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @21 *= 4.0 ;; floating-point values
      02F7: get_cosine_of @20 store_to @23 ;; floating-point values
      02F7: get_cosine_of @21 store_to @24 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      8021: NOT @20 > 0.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_185
      0013: @23 *= -1.0 ;; floating-point values

      00D6: if 0
      8021: NOT @21 > 0.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_189
      0013: @24 *= -1.0 ;; floating-point values

      0013: @23 *= .07 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @24 *= .07 ;; floating-point values
      07D5: set_vehicle @0 apply_momentum_in_direction_XYZ @23 @24 .01 rotory_pulse_about_an_an_axis_XY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0 ;float world lo
      066B: create_FxSystem "SHOOTLIGHT" attached_to_vehicle @0 offset 0.0 2.0 1.0 unknown 1 handle_as @26
      064C: play_FxSystem @26
      064F: mark_FxSystem_as_no_longer_needed @26
      0002: jump ££SCJ_145

      0051: return

      00D6: if 1
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 10
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 14
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_224
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 1.4 store_to @21 @22 @23
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 7.6 store_to @24 @25 @26
      00D6: if 0
      06BD: is_no_obstacles_between_3D_coord @21 @22 @23 and_3D_coord @24 @25 @26 solid 1 vehicle 1 char 1 object 1 FxSystem 1
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_224
      000E: @17 -= 70 ;; integer values
      0006: @20 = 50 ;; integer values
      066A: create_FxSystem "JETTHRUST" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 0.0 -1.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @21
      066A: create_FxSystem "PRT_SAND" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 0.0 -4.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @22
      064C: play_FxSystem @21
      064C: play_FxSystem @22

      0001: wait 20 ms
      083C: set_char $SCPLAYER velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 9.0 ;float world hi
      0819: get_char $SCPLAYER distance_from_ground_to @16
      000A: @20 = -1 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      8039: NOT @20 == 0 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_222
      00D6: if 0
      04B5: @16 >= 9.0 ;; integer values OR floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_212

      0650: delete_FxSystem @21 ;stop and then delete when finished
      0650: delete_FxSystem @22 ;stop and then delete when finished

      0051: return

      00D6: if 0
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 14
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_238
      0001: wait 400 ms
      00D6: if 0
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 9 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_237
      066A: create_FxSystem "EXPLOSION_FUEL_CAR" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 2.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @3
      064C: play_FxSystem @3
      064F: mark_FxSystem_as_no_longer_needed @3
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 9 ;global v
      0002: jump ££SCJ_238

      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 9 ;global v

      0051: return

      00D6: if 2
      8021: NOT @16 > 15.0 ;; floating-point values
      0021: @16 > 2.0 ;; floating-point values
      08B4: is $11243.25 bit 9 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_269
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset -10.0 -10.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 10.0 -10.0 0.0 store_to @22 @23 @24
      09C0: get_vehicle_within_rectangle_cornerL_at_2D_coord @20 @21 cornerR_at_2D_coord @22 @23 height 30.0 with_modelID -1 handle_as @0 ;out
      00D6: if 0
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_269
      046C: get_vehicle @0 driver_handle_to @25
      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @25 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_255
      009B: delete_char @25

      0407: get_vehicle @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @20 @21 @22
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @23 @24 @25
      0063: @23 -= @20 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @24 -= @21 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @23 *= -.006 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @24 *= -.006 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @23 *= @9 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @24 *= @9 ;; floating-point values
      0073: @23 /= @16 ;; floating-point values
      0073: @24 /= @16 ;; floating-point values
      07D5: set_vehicle @0 apply_momentum_in_direction_XYZ @23 @24 0.0 rotory_pulse_about_an_an_axis_XY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0 ;float world lo
      066B: create_FxSystem "SHOOTLIGHT" attached_to_vehicle @0 offset 0.0 2.0 1.0 unknown 1 handle_as @28
      064C: play_FxSystem @28
      064F: mark_FxSystem_as_no_longer_needed @28

      0051: return

      0494: get_joystick 0 data_X1_Y1_X2_Y2_to @1 @2 @3 @4 ;integer
      0093: @1 = integer_to_float @1
      0093: @2 = integer_to_float @2
      0013: @1 *= .02 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @1 *= @11 ;; floating-point values
      0172: get_char $SCPLAYER Z_angle_to @4
      0063: @4 -= @1 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @1 *= 4.0 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @2 *= .02 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @2 *= @11 ;; floating-point values
      005B: @12 = @2 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      0023: -80.0 > @12 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_285
      0007: @12 = -80.0 ;; floating-point values

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @12 > 80.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_289
      0007: @12 = 80.0 ;; floating-point values

      083E: set_char $SCPLAYER rotations_XYZ @12 @1 @4 ;float char air
      0007: @5 = 360.0 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @5 -= @4 ;; floating-point values
      02F6: get_sine_of @5 store_to @6 ;; floating-point values
      02F7: get_cosine_of @5 store_to @7 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @6 *= @9 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @7 *= @9 ;; floating-point values
      02F6: get_sine_of @12 store_to @13 ;; floating-point values
      02F7: get_cosine_of @12 store_to @14 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @6 *= @14 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @7 *= @14 ;; floating-point values
      0087: @15 = @9 ;; floating-point values only
      006B: @15 *= @13 ;; floating-point values
      083C: set_char $SCPLAYER velocity_in_direction_XYZ @6 @7 @15 ;float world hi
      000A: @17 = -1 ;; integer values
      0051: return

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @8 > 8.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_19

      00D6: if 21
      0611: is_char $SCPLAYER performing_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL"
      0611: is_char $SCPLAYER performing_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE"
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_19
      083C: set_char $SCPLAYER velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ;float world hi
      0687: clear_char_task $SCPLAYER
      0001: wait 250 ms
      0007: @12 = 0.0 ;; floating-point values
      0173: set_char $SCPLAYER Z_angle_to @4
      0002: jump ££SCJ_19

      04ED: load_animation "PARACHUTE"
      0002: jump ££SCJ_19

      000A: @17 = 1 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      0019: @17 > 500 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_325
      0006: @17 = 500 ;; integer values

      008A: $11242.25 = @17 ;; integer values and handles
      0014: $11242.25 /= 5 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      08B4: is $11243.25 bit 15 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_332
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 15 ;global v
      000A: @17 = -2 ;; integer values

      0051: return

      0006: @21 = 0 ;; integer values
      0087: @25 = @9 ;; floating-point values only
      0017: @25 /= 15.0 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      8021: NOT @25 > 1.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_340
      0007: @25 = 1.0 ;; floating-point values

      00D6: if 0
      0611: is_char $SCPLAYER performing_animation $10954.25(@21,71v)
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_344
      0393: char $SCPLAYER perform_animation $10954.25(@21,71v) at @25 times_normal_rate

      000A: @21 = 1 ;; integer values
      00D6: if 0
      0039: @21 == 71 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_340
      0051: return

      00D6: if 22
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 11
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 10
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_358
      00D6: if 21
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 10
      00E1: is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 11
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_364
      0002: jump ££SCJ_369

      000F: @9 -= 2.0 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      0023: 5.0 > @9 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_369
      0007: @9 = 5.0 ;; floating-point values
      0002: jump ££SCJ_369

      000B: @9 = 2.0 ;; floating-point values
      00D6: if 0
      0021: @9 > 200.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_369
      0007: @9 = 200.0 ;; floating-point values

      0051: return

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @8 > 60.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_398
      00D6: if 0
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 8 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_379
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 8 ;global v
      066A: create_FxSystem "PRT_SAND" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 1.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @30
      064C: play_FxSystem @30

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @8 > 130.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_400
      00D6: if 0
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 10 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_388
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 10 ;global v
      066A: create_FxSystem "PRT_SAND2" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 1.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @29
      064C: play_FxSystem @29

      00D6: if 0
      0021: @8 > 180.0 ;; floating-point values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_402
      00D6: if 0
      88B4: NOT is $11243.25 bit 11 set ;global v
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_404
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 11 ;global v
      066A: create_FxSystem "SMOKE_FLARE" attached_to_char $SCPLAYER offset 0.0 1.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 .01 0.0 unknown 1 handle_as @27
      064C: play_FxSystem @27
      0002: jump ££SCJ_404

      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 8 ;global v
      0650: delete_FxSystem @30 ;stop and then delete when finished

      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 10 ;global v
      0650: delete_FxSystem @29 ;stop and then delete when finished

      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 11 ;global v
      0650: delete_FxSystem @27 ;stop and then delete when finished

      0051: return

      00D6: if 0
      8039: NOT @18 == 7 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_421
      092B: get_group $PLAYER_GROUP member_from_slot @18 store_to @0
      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @0 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_419
      00D6: if 1
      8118: NOT is_char @0 dead
      88B6: NOT is $11243.25 bit @18 set ;global local
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJ_423
      004F: create_thread ££SCJMEMB_1 @0
      08BC: set $11243.25 bit @18 ;global local
      0002: jump ££SCJ_423

      08C2: clear $11243.25 bit @18 ;global local
      0002: jump ££SCJ_423

      0006: @18 = 0 ;; integer values
      0051: return

      000A: @18 = 1 ;; integer values
      0051: return
      004E: end_thread

      03A4: name_thread 'SCJA'
      0001: wait 250 ms
      00D6: if 1
      0256: is_player_playing $PLAYER
      09C8: are_menu_subtitles_switched_on
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_53
      0441: get_vehicle @0 modelID_to @1
      0247: request_modelID @1

      0001: wait 0 ms
      00D6: if 0
      0248: has_modelID_loaded @1
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_9
      046C: get_vehicle @0 driver_handle_to @7
      00D6: if 0
      056D: is @7 valid_char_handle
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_18
      009B: delete_char @7

      0407: get_vehicle @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @10 @11 @12
      0174: get_vehicle @0 Z_angle_to @2
      03F3: get_vehicle @0 colorA_to @3 colorB_to @4
      0A12: get_vehicle @0 colorC_to @5 colorD_to @6
      0227: get_vehicle @0 health_to @7
      00A6: delete_vehicle @0
      00A5: create_vehicle_with_modelID @1 at_3D_coord @10 @11 @12 handle_as @0
      0249: mark_modelID_as_no_longer_needed @1
      0175: set_vehicle @0 Z_angle_to @2
      0229: set_vehicle @0 colorA_to @3 colorB_to @4
      0A11: set_vehicle @0 colorC_to @5 colorD_to @6
      0224: set_vehicle @0 health_to @7
      0208: generate_random_float_in_range 2.0 to 5.0 store_to @8
      0208: generate_random_float_in_range .045 to .075 store_to @9

      0001: wait 50 ms
      00D6: if 1
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 5
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_53
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 15 ;global v
      0407: get_vehicle @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @10 @11 @12
      02CE: get_ground_Z_for_3D_coord @10 @11 @12 store_to @3
      0087: @4 = @12 ;; floating-point values only
      0063: @4 -= @3 ;; floating-point values
      0087: @5 = @4 ;; floating-point values only
      006B: @5 *= @8 ;; floating-point values
      02F7: get_cosine_of @5 store_to @6 ;; floating-point values
      006B: @6 *= @9 ;; floating-point values
      07D5: set_vehicle @0 apply_momentum_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 @6 rotory_pulse_about_an_an_axis_XY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0 ;float world lo
      00D6: if 0
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 7
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_56
      00D6: if 0
      001A: 1 > $11242.25 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_32

      01C3: mark_vehicle_as_no_longer_needed @0
      08C0: clear $11243.25 bit 14 ;global v
      004E: end_thread

      0001: wait 50 ms
      00D6: if 1
      056E: is @0 valid_vehicle_handle
      80E1: NOT is_button_pressed_pad 0 button 5
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_53
      08BA: set $11243.25 bit 15 ;global v
      0407: get_vehicle @0 position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 store_to @10 @11 @12
      04C4: get_char $SCPLAYER position_3D_coord_with_offset 0.0 20.0 0.0 store_to @13 @14 @15
      0063: @13 -= @10 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @14 -= @11 ;; floating-point values
      0063: @15 -= @12 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @13 *= .01 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @14 *= .01 ;; floating-point values
      0013: @15 *= .01 ;; floating-point values
      07D5: set_vehicle @0 apply_momentum_in_direction_XYZ @13 @14 @15 rotory_pulse_about_an_an_axis_XY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0 ;float world lo
      00D6: if 0
      001A: 1 > $11242.25 ;; integer values
      004D: jump_if_false ££SCJA_56
      0002: jump ££SCJA_53

      Että siinä ois. Jos joskus satut ostamaan pelin PC:lle, niin voit sitten kysellä minulta lisää neuvoja.

      • help !

        ouon pitkä

      • Help!

        Niin että miten voin tehä ton koodin Pc:n san anrea:seen ?

      • arexei
        Help! kirjoitti:

        Niin että miten voin tehä ton koodin Pc:n san anrea:seen ?

        Sanny Builderilla (googlaa) aukaiset sellaisen tiedoston kuin "main.scm" (...GTA San Andreas/data/script/main.scm), jonne teet uuden threadin tuota varten (ensimmäinen linja tuossa koodinpätkässä) jonka alle heität kaiken tuon tuosta. Sen jälkeen uudestaan kokoat sen tiedoston. MUISTA TEHDÄ VARMUUSKOPIO KOKO SAN ANDREAKSEN KANSIOSTA!

        Ja tuo ei siis ole huijauskoodi, ja joudut aloittamaan pelisi alusta kun oltet tuon laittanut.

    • se on olemassa

      on se olemassa mutta se on sama kuin itsemurhakoodi!!

    • elkkum001

      mikä on sit se itsari koodi

    • fgrthgjty

      lolz mul on teil koodi paina x l2 l1 r2 r1 r3 l3 x tää ei toimi

      • fgrthgjty

        toi ei oo koodi

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    7. Mitä toivot

      ensi vuodelta? :)
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      Hyvää keskiviikkoa. Vielä pari päivää ja sitten on talvipäivänseisokki. 🎄🌌❄️😊❤️