Pietikäisen Kuljetus Oy


Onkos toi Pietikäisen kuljetus viä hengissä vaiko onko menneen talvenlumia??




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • ...

      Joensuun rahamiehet osti pois 90-luvulla, eli fuusioitui Joensuun Kiitoautoihin.

    • eiköhän ole jo kuopattu

      kiitoautot osti pietikäisen jo aikaa sitten...varmaan tiesitkin että ei pietikäistä ole ollu 20 vuoteen mutta halusit vaan jauhaa jotain täällä?? eikö?? pelle

    • pietikäisen autot

      vielä paskaa joensuusta ouluun. Meeppä sinne talleille töitä kyseleen vaan saatana.

      • pale pietikäinen

        mitähän paskaa ajaa?? mietin vaa

      • Pietkäinen,.,
        pale pietikäinen kirjoitti:

        mitähän paskaa ajaa?? mietin vaa

        Se paska on ruskean väristä, kuormasta ei saa syödä.

      • blöö..............
        Pietkäinen,., kirjoitti:

        Se paska on ruskean väristä, kuormasta ei saa syödä.

        kusen ajua ajua ajua ajua ajua ajua...onko tietoo

      • Mage_81
        pale pietikäinen kirjoitti:

        mitähän paskaa ajaa?? mietin vaa

        Niin että mitähän paskaa ajaa vai. Vittu Transpointkin oli vielä ajoissa lapsen kengissä tohon firmaan verrattuna vaikka transpoint olikin suomen isoin. Vittu kaikkialla missä on nyt shenkerin toimistot ja Kiitolinjan toimitot oli enne n Pietikäisen Kuljetus Oy Et siinä sulle sitä paskaa.

      • oli schenker
        Mage_81 kirjoitti:

        Niin että mitähän paskaa ajaa vai. Vittu Transpointkin oli vielä ajoissa lapsen kengissä tohon firmaan verrattuna vaikka transpoint olikin suomen isoin. Vittu kaikkialla missä on nyt shenkerin toimistot ja Kiitolinjan toimitot oli enne n Pietikäisen Kuljetus Oy Et siinä sulle sitä paskaa.

        DB Schenker - founded 1872 in Vienna
        Schenker, an enterprise with a future and a past - from Vienna to the whole world
        How it all started:

        On July 1, 1872, Gottfried Schenker, together with two partners, founded the freight forwarding firm Schenker & Co in Vienna. The managerial ingenuity of the Swiss-born entrepreneur was the introduction of groupage consignments by train. The idea to consolidate small shipments into larger units led to a completely new, reasonably priced and fast transport system by rail, road, sea and inland waterways.

        The network of branches was expanding rapidly. At the end of the 19th century, Schenker already was the only enterprise offering tariffs calculated through from London to Istanbul. His success-winning approach - "House to house transport with one single forwarder" - soon made him market leader, as he was able to meet the requirements of his customers better and faster than all the competitors. The company has maintained this approach until today.

        A present-day historian wrote about Gottfried Schenker, who died in 1901, "He was one of the great economic pioneers of the 19th century and became renowned far outside the borders of the Austro-Hungarian empire".

        At the turn of the century, Vienna was a metropolis in a country at the heart of Europe, where 10 languages were being used actively. Starting from Vienna, the company opened up markets within and without the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In rapid succession, Gottfried Schenker founded branches in Budapest, Trieste, Prague, Belgrade, Sofia, Salonika and Constantinople. At that time, the distribution within the cities and individual regions was still carried out by horse-drawn coaches. Impressive warehouses, like the one in Vienna, acted as trade hubs. Consignments for longer distances were transported by rail. However, groupage transports across the entire continent or the transport of bulk cargo also required transport by sea. Anticipating further developments, Gottfried Schenker acquired interests in shipping lines. Starting from Trieste, he organized transports across the Mediterranean Sea, to Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain, as well as to the United States of America. The company's ships with his own name, "Gottfried Schenker" and that of his wife, "Betty", were crossing the Atlantic ocean.

        In 1913, the first branch office outside Europe was founded in New York. At the same time the company also consistently exploited the possibilities modern technology was offering, by combining forwarding with the emerging methods of telecommunications. Just when the new transport routes to America were being opened up, the company acquired interests in well known telegraph companies which, for the first time, connected Europe and America by communication cables. Gottfried Schenker created the foundation for a future-oriented network of transport means, the utilization of information technology and the company's global presence. For 135 years Schenker's success has been based on these principles.

        The exciting story of the economic pioneer Gottfried Schenker has been documented in detail by the renowned economic historians Herbert Mais and Dieter Stiefel, and was published in the book The Schenker Dynasty; History of freight forwarding from 1872 to 1931.

        Last Update: 10/15/2008

      • jesari
        oli schenker kirjoitti:

        DB Schenker - founded 1872 in Vienna
        Schenker, an enterprise with a future and a past - from Vienna to the whole world
        How it all started:

        On July 1, 1872, Gottfried Schenker, together with two partners, founded the freight forwarding firm Schenker & Co in Vienna. The managerial ingenuity of the Swiss-born entrepreneur was the introduction of groupage consignments by train. The idea to consolidate small shipments into larger units led to a completely new, reasonably priced and fast transport system by rail, road, sea and inland waterways.

        The network of branches was expanding rapidly. At the end of the 19th century, Schenker already was the only enterprise offering tariffs calculated through from London to Istanbul. His success-winning approach - "House to house transport with one single forwarder" - soon made him market leader, as he was able to meet the requirements of his customers better and faster than all the competitors. The company has maintained this approach until today.

        A present-day historian wrote about Gottfried Schenker, who died in 1901, "He was one of the great economic pioneers of the 19th century and became renowned far outside the borders of the Austro-Hungarian empire".

        At the turn of the century, Vienna was a metropolis in a country at the heart of Europe, where 10 languages were being used actively. Starting from Vienna, the company opened up markets within and without the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In rapid succession, Gottfried Schenker founded branches in Budapest, Trieste, Prague, Belgrade, Sofia, Salonika and Constantinople. At that time, the distribution within the cities and individual regions was still carried out by horse-drawn coaches. Impressive warehouses, like the one in Vienna, acted as trade hubs. Consignments for longer distances were transported by rail. However, groupage transports across the entire continent or the transport of bulk cargo also required transport by sea. Anticipating further developments, Gottfried Schenker acquired interests in shipping lines. Starting from Trieste, he organized transports across the Mediterranean Sea, to Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Great Britain, as well as to the United States of America. The company's ships with his own name, "Gottfried Schenker" and that of his wife, "Betty", were crossing the Atlantic ocean.

        In 1913, the first branch office outside Europe was founded in New York. At the same time the company also consistently exploited the possibilities modern technology was offering, by combining forwarding with the emerging methods of telecommunications. Just when the new transport routes to America were being opened up, the company acquired interests in well known telegraph companies which, for the first time, connected Europe and America by communication cables. Gottfried Schenker created the foundation for a future-oriented network of transport means, the utilization of information technology and the company's global presence. For 135 years Schenker's success has been based on these principles.

        The exciting story of the economic pioneer Gottfried Schenker has been documented in detail by the renowned economic historians Herbert Mais and Dieter Stiefel, and was published in the book The Schenker Dynasty; History of freight forwarding from 1872 to 1931.

        Last Update: 10/15/2008

        kyllä se pietikäisenkuljetus hoiti koko suomen tavaraliikenteen aikanaan

    • Stinnes Logistics

      Joensuun Kiitoautot on nykyisin Suomen Kiitoautot Oy. Korhosten firma on sijainnut ainakin Rantakadulla (hautausmaan tuntumassa), sen jälkeen Kuurnankadulla (rengasliike nykyisin) ennen siirtymistä nykyiseen toimipisteeseen, siis koskien Joensuuta.

    • jiipee9

      Tamppooni kuskeja koko sakki


      AY-porukka tais tänkin firman saada myyntiin

      • F1225

        Joo, on se vissii hengissä, vanhoja punasia pyöreelamppusia F Volvoja, ite tehdyt etu puskurit..

    • yks+10

      Olis kiva jos näkis vanhoja kuvia menneistä yrityksistä, siis autoista. eikös se pietikäinen ajanut paljon olvia.

      • p p

        Juominen ja ajaminen on kaks eri asiaa vaikka jotkut urpot yhdistääkin ne.

      • siikkloi
        p p kirjoitti:

        Juominen ja ajaminen on kaks eri asiaa vaikka jotkut urpot yhdistääkin ne.

        joo, laittakaa joku kuvia jos löytyy pietikäisen autoista ja miks ei muitakin vanhoista

      • Anonyymi

        Lapinkullan juomia ajoi Tornio hki väliä 8 autolla

    • rahtari789

      On se vielä voimissaan

    • JuoppoKuski

      Pietikäkäisella on kova kuskipula, paas soittaen!

      • Anonyymi

        Oisko vielä urakka ajoa vai onko tunti hommiin onkohan irtoperän ajoa vois ferryroadin periä vetellä

    • 123546
    • pietikäi

      Mahtoiko korhoset saada maksettua pankille 600 000000 velkaa vai sen takia möi

      • Anonyymi

        Pertit olivat peli miehiä

    • Anonyymi

      Onko Kuljetusliike Pynnönen viellä hengissä?

      • Anonyymi

        Pynnönen International Ltd Oy on pitkän linjan kuljetusliike Keravalta, joka tarjoaa kansainväliset logistiikka- ja kuljetuspalvelut sekä huolinta- ja varastointipalvelut. Vastaamme kaikenlaisiin kuljetustarpeisiin, ja ratkaisemme kaikki kuljetuksia koskevat haasteet niin kerta- kuin sopimusluonteisesti.

    • Anonyymi

      Ei ole

    • Anonyymi

      Ajoin pietikäisellä täysperää lappeenranta hki väliä 8 vuotta oli hyvä talo ja päivävuoron sai sovittua jos ei halunnut yöllä ajaa.

      • Anonyymi

        Unta oot nähnyt semmosta linjaa ei ollut taijat olla satu sedä elikkäpaljas uneksia

    • Anonyymi

      Partanen Mikkelissä onko vielä liikennettä

      • Anonyymi

        Kyllä on ajaa hct llä runko ajoa on 80 veturia hyvä talo olla töissä

      • Anonyymi

        On hyvin toimiva firma nykyvään iisalmessa pää paikka ja terminaali näkyy olevan terminaalissa paljon tavaraa

    Ketjusta on poistettu 3 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      Mitäs tänään tapahtuu? Mitäs kirsikalle kuuluu? Onko lähdössä iltaelämään? 😊✨💞🌆 Minä vietä taas yksinäistä koti-iltaa