
Warden Messages Security Advisory (November 20, 2008) The American Embassy is concerned about the number of reported instances of crimes perpetrated against foreign clientele at local bars, clubs and lounges in Riga. There have been a number of additional reports recently of foreign tourists being charged extortionate prices for drinks in bars. Some have then been assaulted, threatened or forced to withdraw money from an ATM to pay for the bill. Local police have been unwilling and/or unable to provide assistance and victims have reported that they believe police have been involved in some of these schemes. On 19 November 2008, the Regional Security Officer at the American Embassy placed the following establishments off-limits for American staff, their family members and TDY official visitors: “Foxy Lounge” - Terbatas 2; located below the “Fashion Café” in the basement of the “Vegas” casino at the corner of Terbatas and Merkela streets near the flower market. “Roxy Klub” - Kalku 24; located near the entrance to Old Town on Kalku street. “Lord’s Pub” (formerly “Groks Pub”)—Kalku 22; located next door to Roxy Klub. “Puzzle” (formerly “Pink Panther”)—Kalku 22; also located next door to Groks Pub. “Mary” - Audeju 13; located on the east side of Galleria “Centrs” Mall. “DD Bars” “Saxon” - Laipu 7; located near “Livu Square” in a small street to the right of restaurant “Steiku Haoss”. “Doll House” a.k.a “Zig Zag” – Marstalu 12; located to the right of Reformed Church. “Bar Fly” - Vagnera 8; located near “Livu Square” in a small street to the right of “Roxy”, “Groks” and “Pink Panther”. “Zephry Bar” - located near Galleria Center in Old Town, near the youth hostel. “Mademoiselle Cigar Club” – Valnu street; located in Old Town across from “Lounge 8”. "Sakura" (formerly “Nobu Sushi”) - Grecinieku 28; located in Old Town. These establishments have become notorious for credit card fraud extortion scams, prostitution rings and violence by organized criminals. Embassy staff and their family members are officially prohibited from patronizing these locals. These prohibitions were put into place to ensure the safety of American Embassy employees and their family members. As noted in the Country Specific Information, these scams can occur at other facilities as well. All American citizens are reminded to be vigilant to avoid becoming a victim of this type of crime. If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, in addition to reporting to local police, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. The Embassy or Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, to contact family members or friends and explain how funds could be transferred. Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime is solely the responsibility of local authorities, consular officers can help you to understand the local criminal justice process and to find an attorney if needed. In the event of an emergency, The U.S. Embassy in Riga can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 371 6703-6200. The Embassy’s web site, which includes consular information and the most recent messages to the American community in Latvia, is at For the latest security information, Americans living and traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs Internet website at U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration web site at so that they can obtain updated information on travel and security. Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the U.S., or, for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s A Safe Trip Abroad.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • lidigalaban

      Mahtaneeko niin koskea meitä. Meidänkieliset varoitukset löytyvät Ulkoministeriön sivuilta.

      • PUNK2


    • buumanni
    • Tellustelija

      Joo, varmaan ihan hyvä että varoitus on taas nostettu esille. Mutta tuo on jo 6kk vanha ja täälläkin noteerattu jo kauan sitten (itse taisin laittaa linkin tästä jotain reilu kuukausi sitten, enkä kai ollut edes ensimmäinen). Jotain päivittämistä lista ainakin tarvitsisi.


    • Miks Vitys

      Latvian presidentti, asiaan liittyvät ministerit sekä poliisipäälliköt ovat asian tiimoilta lyöneet puupäät yhteen, ja tuloksena tiukennettavat säädökset eli turisteja huijaavat ravintolat tullaan sulkemaan - se, milloin tämä toiminta alkaa, on vielä kysymysmerkki. Hyvä kuitenkin, että asiaan lopultakin konkreettisesti reagoidaan.

    • Riian foorumeilla

      on mainittu että Roxy olisi vaihtanut nimensä Babyloniksi.

      • jepulis33

        Jeees, tosiaan Babylonia kannattaa välttää. Sinne mäni kavereiden rahat juuri viikonloppuna...

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Nurmossa kuoli 2 Lasta..

      Autokolarissa. Näin kertovat iltapäivälehdet juuri nyt. 22.11. Ja aina ennen Joulua näitä tulee. . .
    2. Joel Harkimo seuraa Martina Aitolehden jalanjälkiä!

      Oho, aikamoinen yllätys, että Joel Jolle Harkimo on lähtenyt Iholla-ohjelmaan. Tässähän hän seuraa mm. Martina Aitolehde
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    3. Kaksi lasta kuoli kolarissa Seinäjoella. Tutkitaan rikoksena

      Henkilöautossa matkustaneet kaksi lasta ovat kuolleet kolarissa Seinäjoella. Kolmas lapsi on vakasti loukkaantunut ja
      Maailman menoa
    4. Miten meinasit

      Suhtautua minuun kun taas kohdataan?
    5. Miksi pankkitunnuksilla kaikkialle

      Miksi rahaliikenteen palveluiden tunnukset vaaditaan miltei kaikkeen yleiseen asiointiin Suomessa? Kenen etu on se, että
      Maailman menoa
    6. Tunnekylmä olet

      En ole tyytyväinen käytökseesi et osannut kommunikoida. Se on huono piirre ihmisessä että ei osaa katua aiheuttamaansa p
    7. Taisit sä sit kuiteski

      Vihjata hieman ettei se kaikki ollutkaan totta ❤️ mutta silti sanoit kyllä vielä uudelleen sen myöhemmin 😔 ei tässä oik
    8. Oletko miten

      Valmis läheisyyteen?
    9. Odotathan nainen jälleenkohtaamistamme

      Tiedät tunteeni, ne eivät sammu johtuen ihanuudestasi. Haluan tuntea ihanan kehosi kosketuksen ja sen aikaansaamaan väri
    10. Muistatko hänen

      Tuoksunsa? Saako se sinut syttymään? ❤️‍🔥