
Latvia 2009 Crime & Safety Report
Crime & Safety
Europe - Latvia
23 Jun 2009

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Overall Crime and Safety Situation

Latvia continues to be a relatively safe country compared to a U.S. city of similar size. Crimes of opportunity, including pick-pockets, theft from automobiles, and some residential thefts occur mainly in the larger cities with the majority of occurrences in Riga. Violent crime is still present, including assaults and in some extreme cases homicide. Other violent assaults have involved young intoxicated males in public parks or in the Old Town. In addition, an illicit drug culture is growing, resulting in increased theft to support drug habits. The organized crime community remains active, with operations expanding into credit card fraud, bank card fraud, and extortion. As the main city Riga becomes more of a tourist destination, the frequency of crimes targeting foreigners has increased.

Crime Threats

Riga experienced an alarming trend involving the defrauding and extortion of foreign visitors during 2008. The U.S. Embassy issued two separate Warden Notices warning of these threats and publishing a list of establishments known for extortionate and sometimes violent practices. The physical intimidation of foreign visitors, the large sums of money being extorted, and the perceived police acquiescence of the crimes resulted in high level meetings with senior members of the Latvian government and the diplomatic community. Similar incidents continue to occur with little improvement. Visitors to Latvia generally experience a safe and secure country, and many of the reported crimes could have easily been avoided using common sense.

The city of Riga is filled with public parks and a boisterous Old Town center. At night these areas can become dangerous, replete with thieves and intoxicated groups of people. Of the reported crimes against Americans and other foreign visitors, many have occurred in dimly-lit parks or outside of clubs late at night; however, there have also been assaults and menacing behavior in broad daylight. In addition, criminals may prey on intoxicated victims. In some instances, victims have been drugged while at bars and nightclubs and then robbed. Bank card/ATM fraud has also been reported to the U.S. Embassy. It recommended that foreign visitors use clearly marked cab companies such as Riga Taxi or Riga Taxi Park.

Road Condition and Safety Concerns

Major highways in Latvia are in a generally good condition. However, conditions frequently change due to the weather. Secondary roads can be treacherous, poorly lit, and without proper signage. Caution is advised at all times, as pedestrians and unsafe drivers are numerous along the roads. Latvia has one of the highest accident rates in all of Europe.

No known indigenous terrorist organizations are present in Latvia. Organized crime, however, is a growing concern. Criminal groups are active in narcotics and prostitution, among other illicit enterprises. In the past few years there have been targeted killings of alleged members of organized crime groups. So far, collateral casualties have not been reported.

Police Response

Latvia's police force has been making strides to improve in a variety of areas. Senior Latvian officers have taken advantage of training opportunities abroad in areas of community policing and racial sensitivity. Municipal police officers are becoming more high-profile and prolific throughout the public parks and in the Old Town. Education at the patrol level still remains problematic. Notifications to diplomatic entities when their respective citizens have been arrested continue to be neglected by the police. There have also been serious allegations of corruption on a small and in some cases, a larger scale. The Corruption Prevention Bureau has aggressively prosecuted those who are involved in bribery or other corruption schemes.

How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment

In the event that a foreigner is detained or harassed by the police, the individual should comply with police instructions. A request for an interpreter and the individual's respective embassy should be notified immediately.

Medical Emergencies

For medical emergencies one can dial "112" or "03" to speak directly to a medical professional. Foreigners are advised to maintain private health insurance and medivac insurance while in Latvia.

Air Ambulance Services

Latvia maintains one facility with a helicopter for catastrophic emergencies. It is called the Centre of Emergency and Disaster Medicine and can be reached by phone at 371-761-5534.

Tips on How to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Common sense should dictate a foreigner's time in Latvia. Avoid dimly-lit parks and streets at night. If possible, travel in a group. Stay alert when navigating the streets as a pedestrian or a driver. It is a good idea to secure all valuables in the home, in the car, and on the person. Vehicles should be parked in well-lit or visible areas.

Identity theft is reportedly on the rise in Latvia. It is advisable to remain cautious when using ATM's on the street, as well as keeping all credit card receipts. Care should be taken when using bank machines (ATM's), especially in the Old Town. Avoid dimly lit or remote locations when using the machines. In many of the night clubs, there is a scam where a foreigner will buy a drink and then be presented with an exorbitant bill based on a separate menu. He or she will then be detained until the bill is paid, sometimes through physical intimidation. Although calling the police is encouraged, they seldom intervene in these disputes. It is best to avoid these places, or agree to the price before ordering.

Best Security Practices

The area immediately to the east of the train station, the so-called "Moscow" section of town, is to be avoided. Much of the drug activity takes place in this area even in the daytime. The market area and the Old Town are popular with pick-pockets. Care should be taken with regard to wallets and purses in those areas. Merkala Street, between Barona and Caka streets across from the train station, should be avoided due to a variety of illicit activities.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Riganieki

      Kaiken tuon lisäksi kerrottakoon lyhyesti, että täälläkin on yleinen hätänumero 112

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. 20e Riskitön veto 20e talletuksella VB:lle

      Pssst! Vinkki viis rotvallinreunalla eläjille. VB tarjoaa 20 euron riskittömän vedon ensitallettajille vedonlyöntiin.
    2. Pilasit mun

      Elämän. Sitäkö halusit?
    3. Viiimeinen viesti

      Sinulle neiti ristiriita vai mikä nimesi sitten ikinä onkaan. Mulle alkaa riittää tää sekoilu. Oot leikkiny mun tunteill
    4. Analyysiä: Kiuru-keissi oli ja meni - demarit hävisi tässäkin

      Tapauksen tultua julki alkoi demarit ja muu vasemmisto selittään, että tämä oli poliittista väkivaltaa, siis ennen kuin
      Maailman menoa
    5. Mikä olisi sinun ja kaivattusi

      Tarinan kertovan elokuvan nimi?
    6. Lasse Peltonen on kunnanjohtaja

      18/21 ääntä 1 Stoor ja 2 Vauhkonen
    7. Suomessa on valittava 2 lucia neitoa...

      Maahanmuuttajille oma lucia neito ja Suomalaisille oma SUOMALAINEN Lucia neito....sama juttu on tehtävä miss Suomi kisoi
      Maailman menoa
    8. Syntymäpäivä

      Milloin on kaipaamasi henkilön syntymäpäivä!? Hänellä miehellä on tammikuussa.
    9. Olet tärkeä

      mutta tunnen jotain enemmän ja syvempää. Jos voisinkin kertoa sinulle... Olen lähinnä epätoivoinen ja surullinen.
    10. Tyttäreni kuoli lihavuusleikkaukseen.

      Miettikää kuiten 2 kertaa, ennenkuin menette lihavuusleikkaukseen.