Megavisa, mikä taho omistaa Rover brändin?
a) MG Rover
c) Nanjing Automobile
d) Ford
e) BMW
f) Phoenix Consortium
g) TaTa Motors
- J. Edgar
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"Chinese Automaker Shanghai Auto (SAIC) merged with Nanjing Auto, which purchased the struggling Rover brand and all its assets. Well, not quite all of its assets. BMW had the Rover brand years ago and never parted with the name. UNWILLING to sell it to the Chinese, who were forced to call their cars Roewe, the company sold it to Ford, a better steward and a company that didn't want Rovers out there being confused with Land Rovers. But now, with this deal, that name gets transferred to Tata.
This means that, in theory, we can have Indian built Nanos rebadged as Daimlers or Rovers while actual MG/Rover products are being built in China under the name Roewe. If we were Tata, we'd consider selling the Rover brand to SAIC" - Jaska Kemppi S.
"In March 2008, Ford reached agreement with Tata Motors of India to include the Rover marque as part of the sale of their Jaguar Land Rover operations to them, alongside related Daimler and Lanchester marques. Legally the Rover marque is the property of Land Rover under the terms of Ford's purchase of the name in 2006. With no Rover cars currently in production, the marque is considered DORMANT"
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