Elikkä kyseessä taas huijaus, tuskin Microsoft heittää tällasia viestejä.
Lähettäjä: [email protected];
2010 Microsoft Give Away Promo
Dear Customer,
We believe that the Internet, like an ecosystem in the natural world, is an inter-dependent network of participants—consumers, content publishers, advertisers, network operators, and service providers. As a global company, we are accountable to millions of customers and stakeholders around the world. Our commitment to our customers reflects our belief that promotion and economic opportunity go hand in hand. When individuals, communities, and governments thrive, so does our business. This means we all have an interest in ensuring that the Internet promotes his/her customers. To support this cycle, we are giving out award to our customers worldwide through the internet.
This message was sent to inform you that you have been choosen as one of the winner in the Microsoft Give Away Promo among the millions that uses Microsoft technology and services world wide. You are to receive the sum of £500,000.00 GBP in word (Five Hundred thousand Great British Pounds) with Reference Number: 6735/2010. This Microsoft Give Away Promo will be opened for two weeks so that those notified will have the opportunity to claim there price.
Below is your identification numbers and other information you are to send to our processing department.
* Reference Number: 6735/2010
* Your Name And Surname:
* Your Nationality:
* Country Of Residence At Present:
* Mobile Number:
* Name of any Microsoft Technology or service used by you:
* Serial Number S/N:
* Durability/Accessment please rate in % (Percetage):
* Date Manufactured:
* In less than 150 characters please let us know why you decided to use microsoft technology or services:
We are committed to creating value for our customer, and to managing our business sustainably. This commitment gives focus to our customer and helps us measure our performance over time.
You are to send an email containing the above details to [email protected]
Important Notice:Processing will take 24 hour or less depending on your location and time, receiving this email does not mean you are automatically qualify to receive the price without filling the (HOW TO QUALIFY FIELD). For security reason this notification must not be disclosed or told to any person because double claiming would not be entertained and might cause disquilification.
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message, if you have any question please email: [email protected]
Notification Dept
Microsoft Award Team
Microsoft huijaus!
- Hotmail!
Microsoftin nimeen lähetettyjä huijausviestejä!
http://www.vincentchow.net/843/microsoft-promotion-award-team-spam-email - Pasi Toskiainen
Mä sain sieltä miljoona puntaa, kun vastasin.
- Anonyymi
Näin huijareita hakkeroidaan :DDD
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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