Hi there,
I'm an American, living in Tampere, and finding it quite difficult. I've been in Finland for nearly 3 months and have little to show for it.
I was a writer/producer/director in Hollywood for nearly 10 years but came here to stay with my fiancee.
I have not found it easy to relate to many Finns or foreigners here. The Finns don't say anything of their true feelings, and the foreigners seem to be a bit overbearing.
I like people that both share what they're feeling and are able to listen. I have yet to find many people here that communicate in this way.
I have quite a bit of strange specific interests and enjoy others that do as well. I listen to a lot of metal and am starting an experimental metal record label. Additionally, I'm writing a feature film and have many other projects, based out of the USA. I especially like highly creative people.
But I'm not looking to do any creative work here, just find some friends to hang out with, chat, play some boardgames/videogames, talk about the problems of the world or problems in one's life and figure out how to solve them. Sense of humor is a huge bonus.
I've got a load of world experiences from hitchhiking dangerous parts of the Middle East to CouchSurfing islands off the coast Africa to camping amongst glaciers in Greenland.
I am able to have basic conversational skills in about 15 languages.
Just some of my interests... write me if you think we may get along.
Looking for friends in Tampere
- ennenkuulumatonta
You could take up salsa dancing. ( I am serious ! ) . Here is the yahoo discussion group for salsa dancers in Tampere :
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/salseros/ - 34
Well, this is Finland. I lived here approximately 30 years. I studied at the university for a couple of decades. I found out that everyone here is a time thief or an idea thief. This entire country for it's residents seems to be a place of lies, a place of gossip, a place of envy. Beware. I hate everything here (including brainwash and torture by unknown entities).
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400003264771- 162256
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