Startpage and Ixquick now serve more than 2 million daily searches!
Now the Biggest Privacy Service on the Internet!
May 25th, 2012
We have terrific news about and, the world's most private search engines.
We have enjoyed spectacular growth in the last four months, and now serve well over 2 million searches per day. This makes us not only the biggest private search engine, but we believe we have now become the biggest overall privacy service on the Internet!
We are encouraged that people are beginning to recognize the role search engines play in capturing their personal data, especially in light of recent privacy policy changes in the industry. People all around the globe are listening and making the switch.
Startpage and its sister search engine Ixquick ( offer the best privacy guarantees and search features in the business, which has helped boost our numbers to record levels. What's more, we have a 12-year company track record, an easy-to-use free proxy service with every search, and we're third-party certified.
When you visit Startpage, your IP address is not recorded, we don't log your visit, and we don't put tracking cookies on your browser. We don't collect any personal information on our visitors. Nada. Zilch. Zero. And it's all free.
We guarantee your privacy, and we are the only search engine to back up our promises with iron-clad, third-party certification. We have earned the European Privacy Seal by EuroPriSe, which is backed by the European Commission. We've been privacy audited and fully accredited by Certified Secure, and we are registered with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
We've worked hard for many years to earn your trust, so it's exciting to see our efforts finally bearing fruit. It's a great feeling to know that together we are making a difference by working hard to keep the Internet private "like it should be."
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