Projektiauton tuonti Ruotsista


Toin yhden ei ajokuntoisen Ruotsista, Tarkoitus olisi se kunnostaa pikkuhiljaa..... Mutta mistä saan todistuksen että auto on Suomessa? Kun Ruotsiin täytyisi se lähettää että saisi auton pois kilvistä. Kilvet ja iloitusosa on myyjällä..... Mutta kolmas paperi puuttuu. Tulli ja katsastus sanoivat eioota kun kyselin todistusta että auto on tuotu Suomeen.

Alternative 2: Deregistration through export

If one sells a used vehicle to a person living in another country and is unable to choose Alternative 1 above, this will involve greater responsibility on the part of the Swedish seller. This is because the matter will be regarded as an export and not a change of ownership. If the vehicle is to be deregistered, the seller must send the following to the Swedish Transport Agency, SE-701 81 Örebro, Sweden:

both of the vehicle's number plates; if the vehicle only has one number plate (for example a motorcycle, tractor, Class I moped, all-terrain quad bike, other off-road vehicle, snowmobile, mobile machinery or trailer), only that number plate should be sent in)
the original copy of Part 2 of the last registration certificate issued for the vehicle, if one has been issued. Otherwise you will need to send in the registration certificate that you currently have. You can check whether a new registration certificate has been issued by contacting the Swedish Transport Agency. The seller should indicate on the document that the vehicle is to be deregistered, stating the reason ('export'), and should sign the document. As no registration of change of ownership will be made owing to the buyer not having a Swedish personal identity (ID) number, there is no requirement for the buyer to provide their signature or to be named, but of course this is a good opportunity to note the name of the buyer if you subsequently need to get in contact with them for other reasons.
a copy of the recipient country's customs document clearly showing that the vehicle in question has been cleared for customs, or a copy of a registration certificate issued by the recipient country when the vehicle was registered there instead.

The vehicle will be deregistered when the Swedish Transport Agency has received all three of these items. If any of the documents is missing, the vehicle will not be deregistered but will remain in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry (until all of the requirements have been satisfied) with the seller still entered as the registered owner. It may take some time for the buyer to get the vehicle registered in the recipient country and consequently obtain a copy of the registration document. There may also be difficulties if the vehicle is going to be renovated or put in order first, which may all consequently take a long time.

The seller is then ultimately responsible for the three items mentioned in the bullet list above being sent to the Swedish Transport Agency.

Please note that the vehicle is subject to both vehicle tax and compulsory road traffic insurance if it is not subject to an off road notification.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • minä vaan

      Voivat konttorilta tehdä ns. retukyselyn ruotsiin, kysypä sellaista.

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