Brandon Howard, MJ:n vai Joeyn poika

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Samaa näköä ja ääni, vaikea sanoa. Miksei äiti kerro totuutta. howard hammastyttaa onko pop-taivaan uusi tahti michael jacksonin poika .html?utm_source=leiki&utm_medium=iltalehti&utm_campaign=kontekstuaalinen




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Ei kummankaan

      poika. Tämä Brandon Howard on jo vaikka kuinka pitkään yrittänyt väittää olevansa MJ:n salainen lapsi, ja tyyppi on valehtelija. Hänellä vain on pakkomielle Michaeliin ja yrittää tarinoillaan saada rahaa ja kuuluisuutta. TMZ paljasti jo hänen feikatut DNA-testinsä valheiksi:

      ''MJ's Alleged Son DNA Test Results Are Bogus Ripped from 'Terminator'

      Here's a shocker -- the DNA test results that allegedly prove 31-year-old Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson's son are BOGUS ... in fact, so bogus ... the logo from the so-called DNA testing lab was ripped from "Terminator Salvation."

      As we reported,'s Alki David put on a spectacle Thursday -- claiming he had DNA results proving singer B Howard was the biological son of the King of Pop. He then produced the results showing a "99.99999%" probability that MJ was Brandon's dad.

      TMZ obtained a photo of the DNA doc -- allegedly from a testing facility in Ireland called "DNA Lab." We searched high and low but could find no such generic DNA lab in Ireland.

      Skeptical, we investigated -- a simple Google image search of "DNA results" turns up a bunch of sample docs with the same exact easily-stealable format as the one we got.

      But the coup de grace -- we then Google image searched "DNA logo" and the first result ... literally ... was the same DNA pic used in the "DNA Lab" logo.''

      Brandonin OIKEA biologinen isä Augie Johnson on kutsunut poikaansa huomionkipeäksi valehtelijaksi ja hänen äitinsä Mikin mielestä B on ''menettänyt järkensä''.
      ''EXCLUSIVE: 'I'M the daddy!' Singer dismisses 'DNA evidence' his son is Michael Jackson's secret lovechild insisting 'his mother never went with anyone else'

      'I KNOW Brandon's my son - I was there in the delivery room, I have the pictures of him being born. I got the records, I got everything.

      'Before me, Miki wasn't with anyone else - she didn't even know Michael at that time. But you know what - I love my son and he can do whatever he likes. I'm not tripping on this - I want Brandon to have a successful career.'

      When asked if he would be happy to take a DNA text himself, Augie said 'Oh yeah! That's not a problem.

      'My name is on his birth certificate, when people talk to me, I tell them the truth. I know my son- he's got a lot of drama going on.

      Michael don't look like that - that's not his original look.
      'Brandon just happens to be one of those kids - the wannabe Michael kids - his whole life. He loved Michael Jackson so much.

      'He wanted to look more like him and he had a little success in Japan, that’s where this whole thing started. It became this mystery that he would never answer.
      'It's been a plan for a long time, he wants to help his career, that's what I believe.
      'Any kind of controversy that gets out there in the world, right now, helps.'

      Now friendly again with Miki, Augie said he spoke to her today, adding: 'Miki thinks Brandon is losing his mind!'

      'Everybody has their own thing - I don't let that worry me. Brandon's mine and Miki's son, so I don't worry too much. He knows I'm his dad.

      'First of all - Brandon don't look nothing like Michael, Michael had all that surgery to make him look that way, anyone can look like that if you have your face lifted - don't get it twisted.'

      The last time Augie spoke to Brandon was yesterday and he said: 'He keeps saying it’s not him…he sounded distraught and said 'I don't know why people are saying this! These people want me to be Michael!'
      'But my son's a good actor....I say 'Brandon do what you gotta do'. Today's world is so crazy I'm just glad he's not in a sex video!'

      Brandonin ja Michaelin ''sama ulkonäkö ja ääni'' johtuu siitä että Brandonilla on pakkomielle MJ:hin ja yrittää matkia hänen ääntään, eleitään ja tyyliään.

    • åouoiykiy

      Mitä hittoa?? Tää tyyppi on siis yrittänyt fotoshopata joitain DNA-testien tuloksia? Toivottavasti perikunta haastaa oikeuteen, kuvittelisi tuon olevan laitonta...

      Mistä ihmeestä näitä hulluja sikiää? Ihmiset voisivat hankkia oikeita töitä eikä yrittää tienata miljoonia valehtelemalla Michael Jacksonista.

    • joo . .

      Eipähän tuo kovin uskottavaa ole, täältä tulee nopeasti muutakin tietoa, vaikka todistettu ei olekaan kumpaankaan suuntaan luotettavasti. Minusta kylläkin muistuttaa enemmän MJ:tä ennen leikkauksia. Tuo ei sentään edes yritä vaatia perintöä.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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