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Tällaiset huomautukset AFS:lle annettu ihan viime vuosina!

J1 Visum

november 2010: Letter of Reprimand/Corrective action plan: Improve host family screening and selection; improve SEVIS recordkeeping.
januar 2013: Letter of Reprimand: Improve host family application and selection




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Afs-kokemus

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      4.7 / 10 after 24 Reviews
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      Never ever even think of an exchange with AFS. This organization is HORRIBLE. They are DISRESPECTFUL and VERY INHUMAN.
      All they are after is your money! Every single thing they state on their website and on information evenings is a lie!
      They do not care about the teenagers abroad at all, they do not choose families carefully (they just take anyone without checking anything), they don't offer any services abroad (no local chapter, no irregular meetings even), they will let your children suffer, they will make your children say that they are at fault (of whatever?!), put so much pressure on them until they will sign a paper, admitting that they broke the rules (pressure goes like that: if you don't admit we will send you back home immediately) and all of a sudden they will send you back home after some months anyway. This happened in China just now several times already to Germans, Italians, Swiss and other nationalities.
      The back office in your country claims they will help and do the best they can and that you should trust them. But at the end AFS will send you a unilateral termination of the contract after some months and your child will just be returned home. But for sure they will keep all your money.
      I never experienced such a horrible time in my life before, with AFS staff lying at me and behaving like robots but not as human beings, who are supposed to care about teenagers...
      If you want to read more about my daughters horror trip go on facebook: stephanie clappier
      Study Abroad
      Posted: February 11, 2014

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        Kuullostaapa tutulta!

      • Afs-kokemus

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      • Törkeä huijausbisnes
        Täältä lisää kirjoitti:

        "I had the misfortune of working for AFS-USA for a very short period of time and my opinion of that time is: You simply cannot run a business as if it’s a hippie commune in Haight Asbury during the “Summer of Love”."

        Tää oli aika hauskasti ja kuvaavasti sanottu tästä pskasta bisneksestä!
        Vaihtaribisneksessä vaihtareilla ja heidän perheillään ei ole mitään oikeuksis ja laatutakuita ei ole. On ainoastaan nuo " sopimukset, jotka käytännössä vievät vaihtarieilta kaikki oikeudet.

      • Pelkkää huijausta !!
        Törkeä huijausbisnes kirjoitti:

        "I had the misfortune of working for AFS-USA for a very short period of time and my opinion of that time is: You simply cannot run a business as if it’s a hippie commune in Haight Asbury during the “Summer of Love”."

        Tää oli aika hauskasti ja kuvaavasti sanottu tästä pskasta bisneksestä!
        Vaihtaribisneksessä vaihtareilla ja heidän perheillään ei ole mitään oikeuksis ja laatutakuita ei ole. On ainoastaan nuo " sopimukset, jotka käytännössä vievät vaihtarieilta kaikki oikeudet.

        Ja tämä tuntuu pätevän yhteen sun toiseen järjestöön...!!!

      • 18+9
        AFS-toimintaa kirjoitti:

        on 1, June 12, 2008 at 11:57 amAFSissues
        I have both hosted a student for AFS and sent my child in the program. In both cases, there were serious issues. In my opinion, AFS will not take accountability for anything. I have watched AFS protect their international relationships, employees, and volunteers as a priority without regard to the students in the program. Host families are not properly screened or monitored. While tuition covers medical expenses, my child was denied medical care more than once. When we were able to get him to a doctor outside of the host family or AFS via a family friend, he was diagnosed with severe bronchitis and needed antibiotics. AFS responded to that with the request to kick my child out of the program for unapproved travel! I believe strongly in the concept of international exchange for youth, however, I will never advocate AFS to any parent looking to send a student or family interested in hosting. AFS stated to my child that the host families are more valuable to AFS than the students, which they now deny. From my personal experience, they continually take actions and make statements completely to the contrary of what is stated on their marketing materials. From what I understand, two international students died in the 2006-2007 in the US. I strongly believe someone of unbiased authority needs to do a serious audit on this organization.

      • 123123
        18+9 kirjoitti:

        on 1, June 12, 2008 at 11:57 amAFSissues
        I have both hosted a student for AFS and sent my child in the program. In both cases, there were serious issues. In my opinion, AFS will not take accountability for anything. I have watched AFS protect their international relationships, employees, and volunteers as a priority without regard to the students in the program. Host families are not properly screened or monitored. While tuition covers medical expenses, my child was denied medical care more than once. When we were able to get him to a doctor outside of the host family or AFS via a family friend, he was diagnosed with severe bronchitis and needed antibiotics. AFS responded to that with the request to kick my child out of the program for unapproved travel! I believe strongly in the concept of international exchange for youth, however, I will never advocate AFS to any parent looking to send a student or family interested in hosting. AFS stated to my child that the host families are more valuable to AFS than the students, which they now deny. From my personal experience, they continually take actions and make statements completely to the contrary of what is stated on their marketing materials. From what I understand, two international students died in the 2006-2007 in the US. I strongly believe someone of unbiased authority needs to do a serious audit on this organization.

        Järkyttävää luettavaa. Olisi voinut olla yhtä hyvin STS:stä, EF:stä, Exploriuksesta.....
        Peukutus sille, että asia tuodaan julki!

      • Samaaerikääreessä
        123123 kirjoitti:

        Järkyttävää luettavaa. Olisi voinut olla yhtä hyvin STS:stä, EF:stä, Exploriuksesta.....
        Peukutus sille, että asia tuodaan julki!


        Posts: 621
        Registered User
        08-19-2013 at 11:51 am
        I can't speak to other programs but I had IMMENSE trouble with AFS.

        I ended up having to come home after being in the hospital for a week... It's a long story-

        But anyways, there was an earthquake in my area of Italy and they called my parents and said "hi we've talked to your daughters host family and they say she's fine after the earthquake and wasn't harmed!" .... Mind you this was AFTER I'd returned home from Italy. They hadn't called my host family, so who is to say they cared about anyone's, were they just calling parents without talking to host families?

        Also, they clearly didn't screen my family well. I was sleeping on a couch, and I was an adamant vegetarian. My host family didn't know, and she refused to alter meals so I mostly ate bread and cheese. I ended up getting kicked out and having to live on the couch of a girl who was in one of my classes

        My recommendation - stay as far away from AFS as possible.
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      • Linkki edelliseen
        Samaaerikääreessä kirjoitti:


        Posts: 621
        Registered User
        08-19-2013 at 11:51 am
        I can't speak to other programs but I had IMMENSE trouble with AFS.

        I ended up having to come home after being in the hospital for a week... It's a long story-

        But anyways, there was an earthquake in my area of Italy and they called my parents and said "hi we've talked to your daughters host family and they say she's fine after the earthquake and wasn't harmed!" .... Mind you this was AFTER I'd returned home from Italy. They hadn't called my host family, so who is to say they cared about anyone's, were they just calling parents without talking to host families?

        Also, they clearly didn't screen my family well. I was sleeping on a couch, and I was an adamant vegetarian. My host family didn't know, and she refused to alter meals so I mostly ate bread and cheese. I ended up getting kicked out and having to live on the couch of a girl who was in one of my classes

        My recommendation - stay as far away from AFS as possible.
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    • TörkeäAFS

      Täällähän sitä tietoa löytyy AFS:stä! Vai vielä haluaa AFS:n Suomen toimisto, että vanhemmat jättäisivät lapsensa "rauhaan"=heitteille ja järjestön armoille! Ja nuori tuntisi, että vanhemmatkaan eivät usko häntä!
      Minä sanoisin, että järjestöt voisivat jättää nuoret rauhaan ja lopettaa koko törkeän "toimintansa"!

      • Väkivaltaa

        Asiaa! Kyllä tämän ketjun kirjoitukset, samoin AFS:n saamat viralliset huomautukset, taas kerran kertovat mistä vaihto-oppilasbisneksessä on kysymys.

        Harmi, ettei jutun tehneellä toimittajalla ollut parempaa tietoa alasta.
        Vanhempien pitäminen erillään tarkoittaa käytännössä nimenomaan varmistamista, ettei järjestön rikkeisiin puututa. Nuoren vaihtarin suu kun on paljon helpompi sulkea paikanpäällä uhkailemalla ja varoituksia jakelemalla. Vaihdossa oleva STS-vaihtari kuvasi hyvin jossain viestissä nuoren tilannetta todetessaan, että: "Koko ajan saa olla pelko perseessä järjestön kanssa.."

        Nuoren uhkailu ja pelolla hallitseminen ei ole mitään kulttuurinvaihtoa, vaan henkistä väkivaltaa, jota nämä vaihtariyritysten maajohtajat ja aluevalvojat harrastavat työkseen!!!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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    2. Viiimeinen viesti

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