Come together Keuruun ja Seinajoen elavan musiikin yhdistykset ja MTV to build large loudspeakers of beton, frontpanel massive wood, amplifier 15000 watt and stage in front of this house of the Parlament of European and maroccian youngsters.
Come together to airport of Praha , 140 km to east in sudetia mountains start big parties . By train Lichkow Miedzylesie Domaszkow. 3 km walk up to mountain of Gniewoszow. Trains from Wroclaw 120 km
In front of this house on top of green hill , 20 -23 every month from april to september , we make stage of poptheathre pantheon Pretenders. People who have outlook as Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday, Jaco Pastorius, Ten years After, Kentacky Head Hunters, Kauko Kayhko, Led Zeppelin, Van Morrison, Edit Piaf, Pink Floyd , Annikki Tahti, MA Numminen, Cream, Louis Armstrong , who, Kinks , Rolling Stones. Send demos to William from your propositions. You can also come with groups of theathres and play roles of man choir of russian red Red Army, or wizualise to big screen from Verdis Requieem in dark evening. Russian music cinema , quipsy camp rises to heaven mustalaisleiri muuttaa taivaaseen ,music from original Jesus Christ Superstar and actors/actresses from keuruun ekokyla young wireles wippies without chains. Send demos to William K
The pretenders on Woodstock stage have no electricity in their microphones and instruments . They offer visual show to million visitors and home televisions in all world via finnish MTV. We pay honestly to copyright holders and sell a lot their legal cd originals
If you have similar outlook as famous musicians , if you want become famous and get lot of money, send your photos and demovideos in cd to die Gelben rf Keuruun Ekokyla Kivijarventie 300 , 42700 Keuruu Finland [email protected] , in Poland to Wroclaw Art Academia [email protected]
Also new fresh live bands very wellcome. In this walley of Klodzko is place enough for million people and their tents. We also start exhibition of new wooden loghouses model jugend 1906. Production near railway station of Domaszkow and in Sidi Ifni south Maroc, using russian pinewood and vuolukivi stone.
Mina ja 800 muuta tiekomission jasenta ehdotimme etta mukaan tulisivat Suomestakin ne paikkakunnat jotka sijaitsevat Turusta kauhajoelle keuruulle ilomantsiin niiralaan ja venajan karjalaan puolaan Rooman Kautta Jerusalemiin johtavan panorama reitin varrella, mutta kuten Uukunniemen kaunis kunnanjohtaja Satu Prokope muistaa, KTM pani koko kansalaiskomitean roskasilppuriin . Jouluna 2013 FB hallinto tutkimatta teloitti kaikki hietikon todistajien ryhmat, noin 300 ihmista monista eri yhteiskuntaluokista ja ikaryhmista. Uuden liiton osoite on pannaan julistettu
Jos haluat mukaan uuden Suomen, Keuruun ekokylan uuden unionin nuorisoliiton jaseneksi ja laajan kaverivalitystoiminnan palvelut , maksa kympin ikuisjasenmaksu talle tilille Keltaiset ry , Poppankki Finland ja pane siirtoon merkiksi W, seka e mailisi ja oikea nimesi, sama kuin passissa tai henkkareissa
If you want join membership forever to this network and service, please pay 10 euro to account of registered association Keltaiset ry , Poppankki Finland. Mark to transfer letter W , your e mail and real name, same as in passport
iban : FI 3447304720017228
Police of Keuruu Mikko.Keisala, Kimmo.Rytkonen and [email protected] has rights to control this account . Rules of this accociation are accepted in government of registers and patents of Finland .
The yellow network offer services to find new friends whom meet in walley of arts and peace. To their parents who like good music from sixties seventies...peace and love, as this father of William boy, we can find new friends , wifes and husbands. Please send your photos and stories to [email protected] , in Poland Wroclaw Art Academia [email protected] .
kansainvalinen rakennusprojekti
vallankumous matkailualalla
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
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