Arkkeo muuttui QR kuponkipalveluksi


Kätevä moderni Arkkeo päätti lopettaa rahahyvitysten maksamisen & siirtyä
QR kuponkipalveluksi. Etuja kerätään edelleen maksukortin läpi mutta edut saa vain QR kuponkeinna. Näkyy pandemia ravintoloiden rahatilanteessa jossa ei ole varaa maksaa asiakasetuja ulos rahana. Muutos astunut voimaan jo 24.Toukokuuta.

"Important changes to reward coupons
Changes come into effect on May 24th

A new version of the Arkkeo app will be launched on May 24th, 2021. In this version, we've made some critical changes to the way reward coupons are used. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these changes.

Goodbye cashbacks, hello in-store rewards

Rewards in Arkkeo have long been based on cashbacks. Even though cashback has its perks, it has meant that rewards are always paid with a considerable delay. Cashback has also limited the type of rewards that our partner businesses have been able to give to their customers. This is why we have decided to replace cashbacks with new in-store coupons.

What does this mean in practice?

On May 24th, all your existing rewards will be converted into in-store coupons 👍

In-store coupons must be shown to the cashier before making a purchase 👍

Discounts are applied immediately at the cashier 👍

Your favorite businesses will have the option of giving product and service offers in addition to traditional discounts 👍

How will the new in-store rewards work?

The new in-store coupons work largely the same way as previous cashback coupons, but activated in-store coupons must be shown at the cashier to get the discount.

Activate the reward coupon just before making a purchase 📲

Show the activated reward (QR code) to the cashier 🤳

The cashier will apply the discount to your purchase immediately 🛍️

Coupons stay active for 5 minutes, so please activate the reward just before making a purchase. Coupons can only be activated once, after which they are marked as used

Activate the coupon just before making a purchase.

Swipe to confirm the activation.

Show the activated coupon (QR code) to the cashier.

Are my purchases still automatically registered?

Yes. Purchases made with your linked payment card(s) are still registered automatically. No need to do anything at the cashier.

What will happen to my current cashback earnings?

Any earnings that you may have in your Arkkeo account will be paid accordingly to your bank account. If you have pending earnings in your account, we'll let you know how the money can be retrieved.

Cashbacks from online stores

Online stores will still give cash back in Arkkeo. You can follow your earnings from the business' page or from your profile.

Wolt orders

Unfortunately due to the changes mentioned above, rewards can no longer be used in conjunction with Wolt orders. If you have linked Wolt to your account, your purchases are still registered normally and counted towards your purchase goal.

We're here to help!

As always, if you have any questions or worries regarding these changes, drop us a line at [email protected].

Kind regards,
The Arkkeo Team"




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