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Do gang stalkers have real families, do they tell them what they do at work? Do they have loving kind relationships with normal lives? What is it like not to be targeted?
I disagree with truth seeker. And I think you have an inaccurate view of who gang stalkers really are.

You have to ask yourself, what would make cops, doctors, lawyers and people in general either go against everything they stand for and participate in behavior which at the very least is illegal, or look the other way while their co-workers do exactly that?

If you look at our jails and prisons, I think you will find the answers are right there.

Society ostracizes it’s members for certain very specific reasons.

In the last forty years or so, people who are related with unpaid child support or deadbeats, those associated with domestic violence, men who assault and batter women and sex offenders all have formed a tight little group for society in general to take out their frustrations on without fear of reprisal.

There are different degrees of sanctions, abuse and harassment associated with each and every case and in some cases depending on who is actually doing this, the harassment can be very cruel and far worse then anything the person they are stalking has ever done.

As far as stalkers go, don’t get it twisted. For the most part they are regular people like your mom, aunt, uncle cousin and co-workers who become aware of something about a certain person and then partake in activity directed at this person in any number of different ways.

The National Sex Offender Registry for example directly encourages exactly this type of of behavior and activity, so let’s not get it twisted here as to what is actually going on. They give a name, an address, photographs and more and tell you watch out for this person, or keep an eye on this guy.


Do you actually think it ends at that?

Felonious assaults and battery with intent, and/or with a weapon up to and including murder in the first degree occur everyday as a result of the aforementioned catalysts. Every night on the 6:00pm News there is a grey haired old lady shaking her fist saying, “we won’t stand for this kind of thing around here and we will surely make this or these people move away from here.”


Do you think they go and knock on the door and say, “ excuse me please, we want you to move right away, thank you very much?”

No, they launch a campaign of all the communities finest upstanding members and stalk and harass whoever it is until they cause an incident of one type or another. And they don’t care what it is.

This is why cops won’t take reports or look the other way. This is why anybody claiming anything of this type is labeled as crazy, and people just laugh at them. This is why people seeking medical care and attention are treated badly.

This is why nobody will recognize this actually happening because it would cause the biggest shit storm of all time. Half the police force or better would have to be fired along with everyone else. They’d have to build more prisons.

No. Don’t get it twisted. And don’t ask naive questions like this.

Everybody knows what’s going on.

It’s just that in America, people have the right to plead the fifth and not incriminate themselves.

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Profile photo for Meredith Burkholder
Meredith Burkholder
· May 27
I dont believe they having loving relationships at all. How can a person who tortures another have any type of love in them at all?

Profile photo for Inez Stinton
Inez Stinton
· May 31
Starting with no love for themselves.

Profile photo for LarryMoe Spotter
LarryMoe Spotter
· 10h
They don't have any love. Fake lives. They live with demons in them. I have witnessed this. It is a family who is seriously ill but doesn't know it. I witness a wife brooding and the only attention she gets eats, spends money, or when she does evil with her so called husband to us. Their poor son has to come home to discord every day and they live with full on spite and are empty vessels. They fill their void with things and try to make people around them jealous, just like they are. They beat their dogs, give them no exercise and yell at them, have made them mean. They live a sad empty unfulfilled life without God. I feel very sorry for them and the child and I pray he has the courage to break the abusive cycle and finds a real Christian to marry , raise his own Children with love and chooses to have love for his neighbor. But mostly they just repeat and even get worse.

Profile photo for Ray Jenning
Ray Jenning
· May 30
There just aa buch of stupid ignorance brainwashed robots that the democrat government own.

Profile photo for Joy Strength
Joy Strength
· Sat
The vigilante gangstalkers, whether it be somebody's granny or some nightclub bouncer and anyone in between are TOLD STORIES that this person has done this or that, and it is more often th




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      brainwashed robots that the democrat government own.

      Profile photo for Joy Strength
      Joy Strength
      · Sat
      The vigilante gangstalkers, whether it be somebody's granny or some nightclub bouncer and anyone in between are TOLD STORIES that this person has done this or that, and it is more often than not that these are LIES.

      In my experience in the U.K., the gangstalkers usually work in families or couples. I know a whole family that are gangstalkers from the children to the parents to one of the grandparents. These people do this as a way of life. They corrupt their children from being toddlers, getting them to make directed comments just like Mummy and the poor kids grow up thinking it is normal to bully people for money because they get trained young.

      As for do they have loving relationships at home, think - if people are that evil inside to do what gangstalkers do they don't actually know what love is.

      God is Love and God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. These people and all Targets need Christ.

      What the gangstalkers don't realise is that they are being played by evil. The ones really behind this evil are hidden. In the end it will not be worth them losing their eternal life because they chose to do evil in this one.

      God Bless all true T.I.s and protect them day and night. Be encouraged, God preserves the life of His saints, no matter what.

      Profile photo for Damocles
      · Thu
      you have described the workers of iniquity these star chamber judges killed the son of God the reason your going to meet death is because a rightous act is not done in secret it is done for all to see in this killing that has been done individuals plotted conspired lied and generally set the precede…
      Read more

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