Maapallon kehä ja veden synty ilmasta


Astronomian kirja ja kuvat Saturnuksen renkaista. Väite: Saturnuksessa on paljon vettä. Kun planeetan kehän alapuolelle syntyy aukko esim. Materiaa poistumalla ulkoavaruuteen renkaiksi niin siihen tyhjään tilaan alkaa muodostua vettä. Tuo vesi muodostuu jotenkin kaasukehästä.

Tai jos maapalloon kaivetaan iso kuoppa niin että planeetta ei enää ole täysin pyöreä alkaa tuohon kuoppaan muodostua vettä ilmakehästä jonkin lainalaisuuden pohjalta.

Aina kun kaasukehä vajoaa planeetan pinnan alapuolelle syntyy vettä. Jos kuu syntyi maapallosta ja merien pohjasta niin meret syntyi koska ilmakehää vajosi planeetan pinnan alapuolelle.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      Jos siis Venukseen kaivetaan kilometrin syvyinen ja viisi kilometriä laaja kuoppa pitäisi tuon kuopan täyttyä vedestä jotenkin Venuksen kaasukehän avulla. Tosin Venus on niin kuuma planeetta että vettä ei voi kertyä vaan se haihtuisi takaisin kaasukehään.

      Tämä on pelkkä ajatus. En tiedä onko se totta.
      Jostakin syystä planeetan pinnan pitää olla pyöreä eikä kuoppainen.

      Vesi vaatii muodostuakseen happea. Onko tämä teoria edes kemian kannalta mahdollinen en tiedä. Jotain nestemäistä kun syntyy johtuu se siitä että planeetan pinnan alta poistuu ainetta ja tilalle syöksyvä kaasukehä muuttuu nestemäiseksi?

      Entä maapallon kaivojen vesi. Onko se aina maaperästä lähtöisin vai voiko ilmakehä jotenkin olla syynä osaan veden muodostumista.

    • Anonyymi
      • Anonyymi

        The Creation
        Books > Subjective Evolution of Consciousness

        Srila Sridhar Maharaj: The Manu-samhita (1.5–6) begins describing the creation from this point:

        āsīd idaṁ tamo bhūtam aprajñātam alakṣanam
        apratarkyam avijñeyaṁ prasuptam iva sarvataḥ
        tataḥ svayambhur bhāgavān avyaktavyaṁ jayan idam
        mahābhutādi vṛtaujāḥ prādur āsin tamonudaḥ

        Just before the creative movement began, the marginal potency of the Lord was in a state of equilibrium. Tatastha means equilibrium: asid idam tamo-bhutam. Everything was in darkness, fully enveloped by ignorance. Alaksanam means there was no possibility of any estimation; no symptoms of reality existed by which any conjecture or inference about the nature of reality would have been possible. And it was aprajnatam: science has no capacity for investigating the nature of that stage of existence. We can only say from here that it was completely immersed in deep sleep. The analogy of deep sleep may give us some conception of that period: prasuptam iva sarvatah. Material existence was as if in a sound sleep.

        At that time, movement began from within the spiritual plane and light came. Light was seen by the seers. That light was pre-existent, but at that time the seers received the vision to see light. They began to see. The first conception of this material world after light was water. The light revealed a substance like water.

        That primal light is compared with personality. Light means consciousness, and consciousness means personality. That light, or personality, first gave birth to the onlookers to the feelers of material existence, and then to an objective substance like water. That water is known as Viraja, or causal substance. What is known in Vaisnava vocabulary as Brahmaloka — the world of consciousness — is represented by light, and Viraja, or causal substance, is represented by water. The conscious world is represented by light, and the first objective reality is represented as water. Then, the seeds of consciousness are sown in the causal water which is the shadow of that light. Although the actual element of water was created long after this, the first conception of matter is compared to water because water is an accommodating, moving solution. The Sanskrit word for water, apa, means «of lower conception». In this way, the lower creation began.

        Then, in connection with the seeds of consciousness and the primal water, the next production was known as mahat-tattva: the energy of consciousness represented by light mixed with matter as a mass. When the mass of matter is infused with the energy of light-consciousness, that is known as mahat-tattva.

        After further development, that entity was divided into many units of ahankar, the element of ego. Mahato ahankarah. First there is ahankar, mass ego as a whole. The element of conglomerate ego is called mahat-tattva. As objective substance evolves by the influence of consciousness, it expresses itself in five main ingredients: that which can be seen, smelled, heard, tasted, and touched. These five elements are the primitive principles of material existence.


      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        The Creation
        Books > Subjective Evolution of Consciousness

        Srila Sridhar Maharaj: The Manu-samhita (1.5–6) begins describing the creation from this point:

        āsīd idaṁ tamo bhūtam aprajñātam alakṣanam
        apratarkyam avijñeyaṁ prasuptam iva sarvataḥ
        tataḥ svayambhur bhāgavān avyaktavyaṁ jayan idam
        mahābhutādi vṛtaujāḥ prādur āsin tamonudaḥ

        Just before the creative movement began, the marginal potency of the Lord was in a state of equilibrium. Tatastha means equilibrium: asid idam tamo-bhutam. Everything was in darkness, fully enveloped by ignorance. Alaksanam means there was no possibility of any estimation; no symptoms of reality existed by which any conjecture or inference about the nature of reality would have been possible. And it was aprajnatam: science has no capacity for investigating the nature of that stage of existence. We can only say from here that it was completely immersed in deep sleep. The analogy of deep sleep may give us some conception of that period: prasuptam iva sarvatah. Material existence was as if in a sound sleep.

        At that time, movement began from within the spiritual plane and light came. Light was seen by the seers. That light was pre-existent, but at that time the seers received the vision to see light. They began to see. The first conception of this material world after light was water. The light revealed a substance like water.

        That primal light is compared with personality. Light means consciousness, and consciousness means personality. That light, or personality, first gave birth to the onlookers to the feelers of material existence, and then to an objective substance like water. That water is known as Viraja, or causal substance. What is known in Vaisnava vocabulary as Brahmaloka — the world of consciousness — is represented by light, and Viraja, or causal substance, is represented by water. The conscious world is represented by light, and the first objective reality is represented as water. Then, the seeds of consciousness are sown in the causal water which is the shadow of that light. Although the actual element of water was created long after this, the first conception of matter is compared to water because water is an accommodating, moving solution. The Sanskrit word for water, apa, means «of lower conception». In this way, the lower creation began.

        Then, in connection with the seeds of consciousness and the primal water, the next production was known as mahat-tattva: the energy of consciousness represented by light mixed with matter as a mass. When the mass of matter is infused with the energy of light-consciousness, that is known as mahat-tattva.

        After further development, that entity was divided into many units of ahankar, the element of ego. Mahato ahankarah. First there is ahankar, mass ego as a whole. The element of conglomerate ego is called mahat-tattva. As objective substance evolves by the influence of consciousness, it expresses itself in five main ingredients: that which can be seen, smelled, heard, tasted, and touched. These five elements are the primitive principles of material existence.


        Maailmankaikkeus sykkii kuin valtava sydän. Siitä tulee yksi ja sitten se hajoaa moninaisuudeksi - aineellisen maailmankaikkeuden evoluutio ja anti-evoluutio jatkuvat loputtomiin: yksi kokonaisuus muuttuu moninaisuudeksi tullakseen jälleen yhdeksi. Maailmankaikkeus sykkii.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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