Äänestin 7kertaa Rock'n Roll Hall of Famessa että pääsee Rock'n Roll Hall of Fameen ja pääsi
Ei oikein pärjää Riikka Purran Survivor tälle
- Anonyymi
Ja lokakuussa bändi kiittää faneja näkyy YouTubessa
- Anonyymi
We have some exciting news to share with you! As many of you know, FOREIGNER has recently been honored with an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as part of the 2024 class.
To celebrate this monumental achievement, we are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new single, "Turning Back the Time," available to stream today!
Even more exciting, the lyric video for "Turning Back the Time" is now live on YouTube, and we'd love for you to check it out!
This single is a preview of our upcoming greatest hits compilation, "Turning Back the Time," which will officially release on October 4, 2024.
The album spans our incredible adventure from 1977 to 2024 and features a mix of our classic hits along with this brand new composition featuring Mick Jones and Lou Gramm.
Stream the single now:
Thank you for your unwavering support throughout the years. This new single is just the beginning of the celebration, and we can't wait to share the full album with you soon! - Anonyymi
Anonyymi kirjoitti:
We have some exciting news to share with you! As many of you know, FOREIGNER has recently been honored with an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as part of the 2024 class.
To celebrate this monumental achievement, we are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new single, "Turning Back the Time," available to stream today!
Even more exciting, the lyric video for "Turning Back the Time" is now live on YouTube, and we'd love for you to check it out!
This single is a preview of our upcoming greatest hits compilation, "Turning Back the Time," which will officially release on October 4, 2024.
The album spans our incredible adventure from 1977 to 2024 and features a mix of our classic hits along with this brand new composition featuring Mick Jones and Lou Gramm.
Stream the single now:
Thank you for your unwavering support throughout the years. This new single is just the beginning of the celebration, and we can't wait to share the full album with you soon!Tulee uusi Foreingner Levy ennejulkaisemattomia biisejä
- Anonyymi
Anonyymi kirjoitti:
Tulee uusi Foreingner Levy ennejulkaisemattomia biisejä
Uusi sinkku on alkua Foreingner yhtyeen ja fanien juhliessa yhtyeen pääsyä Rockn Roll Hall of Fameen
- Anonyymi
Anonyymi kirjoitti:
Uusi sinkku on alkua Foreingner yhtyeen ja fanien juhliessa yhtyeen pääsyä Rockn Roll Hall of Fameen
Eli ne kiittää siellä Rockn Roll Hall of Famessa minuakin
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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