
ja Katainen

Tukholma-syndrooma on psykologinen tila, jossa panttivangeille tai muulla tavoin vastoin tahtoaan kaapatuille henkilöille kehittyy myötämielinen suhtautuminen kaappaajiinsa. Tämänlaisesta solidaarisuudesta voi seurata monimutkaisia ongelmia, kun vangitut alkavat auttaa vangitsijoitaan toteuttamaan suunnitelmaansa tai pakenemaan poliisilta.

Syndrooma kehittyy uhrin pyrkimyksestä asettua vangitsijan asemaan tai ansaita kidnappaajien sympatia puolelleen.

Syndrooma on nimetty 23.–28. lokakuuta 1973 Norrmalmstorgilla, Tukholman keskustassa sijaitsevaan Kreditbankenin toimipisteeseen tehdyn pankkiryöstön mukaan. Kuusi päivää kestänyt piiritystilanne sai panttivangit puolustamaan vangitsijoitaan vielä tapahtuman päätyttyäkin. Vangitut antoivat oikeuskäsittelyssäkin harvasanaisia vastauksia eivätkä siten halunneet asettua vangitsijoitaan vastaan.

Termin lanseerasi kriminologi ja psykologi Nils Bejerot, joka avusti poliisia ryöstön aikana. Bejerot käytti Tukholma-syndrooma-termiä uutislähetyksessä, josta se otettiin psykologien käyttöön maailmanlaajuisesti.

Tukholma-syndroomaa on ilmennyt lentokonekaappauksien ja useiden henkilökaappauksien yhteydessä. Kuuluisimpia tapauksia on Patty Hearst, joka joutui Symbioottinen vapautusarmeija (Symbionese Liberation Army) -järjestön kaappaamaksi. Useita kuukausia vapautumisensa jälkeen Patty Hearst liittyi ryhmän jäseneksi.

Silloin tällöin ilmiöstä näkyy käytettävän virheellistä nimitystä Helsinki-syndrooma.


Bilderberg Group 2007,osaanottajat suomesta:
Jyrki Katainen, Minister of Economic Affairs, (Finland)
Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland)
Atte Jääskeläinen, the editor of the Finnish Broadcasting Company's news arm and the public broadcaster's deputy chief executive.
Teija Tiilikainen, the political state secretary of Ilkka Kanerva





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Jääskeläinen

      vie Ylen uutistoiminnan muutokseen.
      "Ylessä Jääskeläisen vastuulle tulevat sekä television että radion uutistoimitukset. Hänellä on myös kokonaisvastuu Ylen uutistoiminnasta. Jääskeläinen myöntää, että esimerkiksi tv-maailmasta hänellä ei ole kokemusta."


      Kannattaa lukea koko juttu AJATUKSELLA

      • media "works"

        How the news media "works"

        Contrary to popular belief, neither trained monkeys and/or Cthulhu are running the media. Yet. The structure of the news media has undergone two major changes since the 1970s. Firstly is the trend for global news empires towards monopoly. Think AOL/TimeWarner or MSNBC. As a result, economies of scale and ratings have come to rule the news industry. News is no longer run as public trusts with a unique responsibility to society, but as a consumer good marketed like soap. This can be used to your advantage, Grasshopper. Secondly, in the past, newspapers dominated news coverage with an iron fist, with television and radio playing second fiddle. No More.

        If you happen upon any large, modern newspaper office, with the exception of a hatful of the prestige newspapers, you'll see the dedicated team of editors tuned into CNN. I kid you not. Most newspapers are driven by the same values as television. Short, simplistic, episodic, crime- and celebrity-ridden, dominated by images, and overwhelmingly commercial.

        Unless you're the ilk of the world's richest "Australian", it is unlikely that you can change the structure of the news media overnight. But there is plenty of room to exploit its structural weakness. Even you can wield the Greyskull-like powers of the mass media with reckless abandon!

        What you'll need to do:

        1. Create an Angle and a Simple Message
        On the simplest level, your issue must bring ratings to the news outlet. If you can't pitch the story to make it seem newsworthy, give up now. Journalists are taught from birth that one or more of the following make news:
        It's new, fresh, or hip.
        It's timely.
        It's unusual.
        It's able to arouse deep human emotions.
        It's a visual spectacle!
        It's of broad interest to consumers, investors, workers, or other key groups.
        Combine and manufacture these elements wisely. Your issue must be simplified to a memorable slogan, to which people can link more complex ideas.

        2. Which media, and who?

        As a rule, bigger is better, but do not to ignore smaller news outlets. Smaller outlets such as local papers or radio never have the resources to research all the news that's fit to print and as a result, they'll publish your press release verbatim. Learn to link reporters' names to your kind of story. If you are still unsure, call the news room and ask. Find the details for your local newswire (AP, UPI, Reuters) representative.

        3. Contact the Appropriate Journalist. Warn them of impending news.

        This is pretty self evident. Get the right person. Write them a decent press release. Calling Tom Brokaw and faxing him a press release might be good for a laugh, but it won't get you on CBS. When pitching the idea to a television journalist, be sure to mention the mind-blowing visual element to your story. Don't be afraid when they start breathing heavily.

        4. Maximise Coverage through Timing!

        Timing makes you strong!. Avoid scheduling your event/coverage on the same day as another major media event, like an election. Try to schedule your event in the morning, so reporters have plenty of time to meet deadline. Unless there is catastrophic event of some description, no news is made after 3pm.

        The shining exception to this golden rule is live television. Consider scheduling during the evening hours when local news is broadcast.

        5. Prepare yourself for the Big Day.

        If your event requires a press pass or ticket for admission, get them ready. Build a press pack containing background information about you. In addition to the press release, the packet can include fact sheets or pamphlets, biographies of key people, and photographs. If you have a prepared speech, make a text of it available to all and sundry. Have the right spokesperson on hand to answer questions. Make sure someone is available after hours for follow-up contact.

        6. Begin.


        media "works" kirjoitti:

        How the news media "works"

        Contrary to popular belief, neither trained monkeys and/or Cthulhu are running the media. Yet. The structure of the news media has undergone two major changes since the 1970s. Firstly is the trend for global news empires towards monopoly. Think AOL/TimeWarner or MSNBC. As a result, economies of scale and ratings have come to rule the news industry. News is no longer run as public trusts with a unique responsibility to society, but as a consumer good marketed like soap. This can be used to your advantage, Grasshopper. Secondly, in the past, newspapers dominated news coverage with an iron fist, with television and radio playing second fiddle. No More.

        If you happen upon any large, modern newspaper office, with the exception of a hatful of the prestige newspapers, you'll see the dedicated team of editors tuned into CNN. I kid you not. Most newspapers are driven by the same values as television. Short, simplistic, episodic, crime- and celebrity-ridden, dominated by images, and overwhelmingly commercial.

        Unless you're the ilk of the world's richest "Australian", it is unlikely that you can change the structure of the news media overnight. But there is plenty of room to exploit its structural weakness. Even you can wield the Greyskull-like powers of the mass media with reckless abandon!

        What you'll need to do:

        1. Create an Angle and a Simple Message
        On the simplest level, your issue must bring ratings to the news outlet. If you can't pitch the story to make it seem newsworthy, give up now. Journalists are taught from birth that one or more of the following make news:
        It's new, fresh, or hip.
        It's timely.
        It's unusual.
        It's able to arouse deep human emotions.
        It's a visual spectacle!
        It's of broad interest to consumers, investors, workers, or other key groups.
        Combine and manufacture these elements wisely. Your issue must be simplified to a memorable slogan, to which people can link more complex ideas.

        2. Which media, and who?

        As a rule, bigger is better, but do not to ignore smaller news outlets. Smaller outlets such as local papers or radio never have the resources to research all the news that's fit to print and as a result, they'll publish your press release verbatim. Learn to link reporters' names to your kind of story. If you are still unsure, call the news room and ask. Find the details for your local newswire (AP, UPI, Reuters) representative.

        3. Contact the Appropriate Journalist. Warn them of impending news.

        This is pretty self evident. Get the right person. Write them a decent press release. Calling Tom Brokaw and faxing him a press release might be good for a laugh, but it won't get you on CBS. When pitching the idea to a television journalist, be sure to mention the mind-blowing visual element to your story. Don't be afraid when they start breathing heavily.

        4. Maximise Coverage through Timing!

        Timing makes you strong!. Avoid scheduling your event/coverage on the same day as another major media event, like an election. Try to schedule your event in the morning, so reporters have plenty of time to meet deadline. Unless there is catastrophic event of some description, no news is made after 3pm.

        The shining exception to this golden rule is live television. Consider scheduling during the evening hours when local news is broadcast.

        5. Prepare yourself for the Big Day.

        If your event requires a press pass or ticket for admission, get them ready. Build a press pack containing background information about you. In addition to the press release, the packet can include fact sheets or pamphlets, biographies of key people, and photographs. If you have a prepared speech, make a text of it available to all and sundry. Have the right spokesperson on hand to answer questions. Make sure someone is available after hours for follow-up contact.

        6. Begin.



    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Tirkistelijä T...

      Tirkistelijä T... ei ole sokeutunut, vaikka näin juorutaan. Asuu nykyään Limingassa ja jatkaa sekopää touhujaan ainakin
    2. Liian kiltti.. ?

      Tässä jo jonnunaikaa olen tuumaillut tätä kiltti ja kunnollinen juttua. Siis miksi oikeasti kiltit eivät muka kelpaa?
    3. Koettakaa nyt Trumpinkin fanit ymmärtää:

      Hän on myös jo vanha mies. Kukaan ei tiedä, mitä kunnossa hän on parin vuoden päästä.
      Maailman menoa
    4. 1982 syntynyt Mahdi Alcheikh tuomittiin törkeästä lapsenraiskauksesta

      https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/mies-raiskasi-15-vuotiaan-uimahallissa-turussa/8964984 Yli 4 vuotta vankeutta Oike
    5. Pääsit nainen todella

      lähelle ja kaikki sinussa oli jotain selittämättömän kiehtovaa. Silti en koskaan ymmärtänyt sinua täysin. Mitä halusit t
    6. Kiitos, kun paljastit

      Vaikka mä tiesinkin! Nyt voi ottaa seuraavan askeleen? Hyvää yötä:)
    7. Voiko 40 tai yli

      Enää rakastua vai onko se jo game over?!
    8. Kansan vihaama elokapina aikoo pysäyttää moottoritien ruuhka-aikana

      Mielenosoitus alkaa perjantaina kello 15 Länsiväylän ja Porkkalankadun risteyksessä. On se kummallista, että tuollainen
      Maailman menoa
    9. En saa unta kun ajattelen

      Sinua mies. Sydäntä ahdistaa meidän välit 😌😞
    10. Mopomiitti onnettomuus

      Vittu se tehdas-alue ole oikea paikka mopomiitille, Ja minkälainen vanhempi hyväksyy, että pojan mopo kulkee järkyttävä