Repti-Glo lamppu 13 W uvb 10.0, E 27 kanta


10 % uvb säteilyä. Auttaisiko Psoriin? Kiinnitetään tavalliseen lamppuun hehkulampun tilalle.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • jorse44

      mutta luulen että ainut valo joka auttaa on uva. puhutaan jostain pitkästä- ja lyhyestä uv-valosta.
      kuten aurinko antaa uva säteilyä..

      • Auttaisiko?

        Wikipedia:Psoriasiksen valohoidon muotoja ovat auringonotto, ilmastohoitomatkat, hoidot SUP-, UVA- tai UVB-lamppujen avulla.Luin tämän ja ajattelin, että UVB-lamppu voisi auttaa.

    • Auttaisiko

      12-07-2007, 02:31 PM
      Have seen some poster mention these as a cheap treatment.

      Can anyone tell me if they have used this for the face? and what were results like?

      Could they do any harm?

      Thanks all.
      12-07-2007, 07:57 PM
      Hi Ciro -
      Rockyjs is the one who had the inspiration to try this set-up. I am the one who has mentioned it a number of times in the threads. I have used the light several times on my body, but I haven't tried it on my face. (However, when I have UVB treatments at the derm's, my face gets the light as well as the rest of my body and it hasn't been a problem.)

      Tomorrow morning I will try it on my face for you and tell you what happened. DottieD
      12-07-2007, 09:11 PM
      Hi Ciro -
      Rockyjs is the one who had the inspiration to try this set-up. I am the one who has mentioned it a number of times in the threads. I have used the light several times on my body, but I haven't tried it on my face. (However, when I have UVB treatments at the derm's, my face gets the light as well as the rest of my body and it hasn't been a problem.)

      Tomorrow morning I will try it on my face for you and tell you what happened. DottieD

      Thank you Dottie :-)
      12-08-2007, 04:22 PM
      Hi Ciro,
      I got tied up this morning and didn't do the face test until late this afternoon. Here is the summary of my experience:

      I purchased the 2 bulbs and canopy about 3 weeks ago, just after I started getting UVB treatments at the derm's. Since his office was closed on Thanksgiving Day, I decided to do my own treatment at home. I shined the light on my feet and legs up to the middle of my thighs - about 15" away from the light, for 15 minutes. Then I moved myself and did the middle of my thighs up to my neck. Then I turned over and repeated the process on the back of my body - 15 minutes at each position. About 2 hours later I was a little pink, but not burned.

      Now, having had more treatments at the derm's, I have built up a "base" of tan on my body, including my face. So I can safetly stay under the light longer. (I am fair skinned.)

      Today, I used only 1 bulb for the test, since the area to be treated was smaller. I set the light about 15" away from my face, put on UV goggles, closed my eyes, and sat in front of the light for 15 minutes. It didn't burn my face, but I don't know if it did any good either, since I don't have any p on my face (thankfully).

      I always put on a moisturizing lotion after exposing my body to UV light. Also, my experience has been that when p lesions receive UV light, they often turn red - sort of angry looking - with pink around the edges for a while (maybe a day or so) - and then the lesions get better.

      Also, I have been putting coal tar ointment on my skin every night since I started the UV - my derm said it made my skin respond better to the light. You can get a prescription for coal tar ointment or purchase a non-prescription strength ointment at some drug stores or on the internet. The best known brand is MG217.

      Hope this helps. And good luck to you! DottieD
      12-11-2007, 01:16 AM
      I only have P on my face and well behind my ears/in my ears which has spread down to practically my jaw line now. Also on my scalp. Do you have to treat all P to have it get better? Like would I have to treat my scalp also to have my P go away on my face and my ears? I have been thinking about going to the pet store to try this! What do I need to look for on the reptile bulbs to know im getting the most uvb? In case they dont have that brand you guys mentioned. Also wanna know if its fine for the face also!

      Rose Red
      12-11-2007, 05:52 AM
      I can't answer all your questions, but I will talk about remission. The funny thing about it is that when P is in an odd place or erupts in the same spot on opposite sides of the body, I have seen it spontaneously go away even if you haven't treated that area. For instance, I get it on my hands. I tend to treat the right hand, as I am right handed, and the left goes into remission when the right is under control. Perhaps you could talk to your derm about those harder to reach places - the head/scalp is difficult becuase of work/school/going out in public.

      See what he might offer that will work systemically. also, thank you, Dottie, for being a guinea pig. Your kindness and involvement are a true gift to us.
      12-11-2007, 09:55 AM
      Hi friends,
      There are a number of UV light bulbs for reptiles at the pet store, but the one I mentioned has (by far) the most UVB in it. Don't get one of the long fluorescent-looking bulbs. The one you want looks like a spiral bulb that they are now selling for lamps in the home. One the outside of the box it says "Repti-Glo 10.0 UVB." The box also says 26W. You can get these bulbs at PetSmart stores, or you can order them from (a pet supply company). The latter sells them for $13.57 plus shipping and the item number is 12517. I don't know of any other company that makes a similar UVB light bulb. For sure, nothing in this price range!
      You will also need a canopy to screw the light bulbs into. The one for two bulbs is rectangular metal about 8" wide and 18" long. If you are just using it for your face, they make a smaller canopy that holds only one light bulb (which is all you would need).
      Hope this helps. I'm going out of town tomorrow for the holidays and will be taking my unit with me. DottieD

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