Global Pension Plan





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • ankarampi itkonen

      "Uutisia/News 31.7.2009

      GPP has got over 100.000 members and now the pressure is on their shoulders to get things done. They approximated to last 2-3 months when they would be ready to pay.

      GPP sivulla luki, että 100.000 jäsenen raja on saavutettu ja nyt paine on heillä. Forumin mukaan kestää 2-3 kk kun he saavat homman maksuvaiheeseen"

      • qetert

        Fiva (ent rahoitustarkastus) 8.9.2009

        Kuluttajille tarjotaan jatkuvasti erilaisia ohjelmia ja järjestelyitä, joita on naamioitu vakuutuksiksi, vaikka kyse voikin olla pyramidihuijauksesta tai muusta laittomasta rahankeräyksestä. Vakuutustoimintaa ei Suomessa voi harjoittaa ilman toimilupaa.

        Finanssivalvonnan tietoon on tullut, että Global Pension Plan on jälleen aktivoitunut markkinoimaan ohjelmaansa. Ohjelman esittelyssä käytetään sanaa eläkevakuutus. Ohjelman kuvauksen mukaan sijoittajaryhmä ottaa järjestelmään liittyville henkilöille vakuutuksen ja maksaa heille 55 000 tai 110 000 euroa. Varoituskellojen pitäisi soida jo silloin, kun sijoittajaryhmään kuuluvien henkilöiden nimiä ei mainita, ei myöskään ohjelmassa mahdollisesti mukana olevan vakuutusyhtiön nimeä tai sen sijaintivaltiota.

        Global Pension Plan ei varmasti ole ainut huijausohjelma. Käytettävissä olevien tietojen mukaan Global Pension Plan -ohjelmassa ja muissa vastaavissa järjestelyissä ei ole kyse laillisen vakuutustoiminnan tai laillisen vakuutusedustustoiminnan harjoittamisesta.

        Vakuutusyhtiön toiminta edellyttää aina toimilupaa
        Vakuutustoiminta on säännelty toimiala ja sitä saa harjoittaa Suomessa vain kotimainen vakuutusyhtiö, jolla on toimilupa, tai muun Euroopan talousalueeseen kuuluvan maan vakuutusyhtiö, joka on perustanut Suomeen edustuston tai ilmoittanut Finanssivalvonnalle valtioiden rajat ylittävän vakuutusten vapaan tarjonnan aloittamisesta. Euroopan talousalueen ulkopuoliselta vakuutusyhtiöltä edellytetään toimilupaa ja edustuston perustamista Suomeen.

      • H.K.Ailajarvi

        On hienoa että maailmasta löytyy ihmisiä jotka pystyvät tekemään tuhatkertaisia tuloksia muutamassa kuukaudessa ja ihmisiä jotka uskovat niihin. Tämä vain todistaa että tyhmyys ei koska poistu joten viisauttakin voi olla olemassa.

      • Lähetä äiti rahaa..

        02nd of Nov, 2009

        Dear GPP Members,
        A short word to let you know, that we are on track and going strong! Referring to the latest update a short while ago, the insurance company sent us a note recently, that there still are some Additional Policies available. After a thorough discussion between the Trust Partner and the relevant parties, they decided to let all the Additional Policies go until we are fully closed. Back then we had around 42.000 policies left, but only 25.600 today. If properly and effectively marketed to your downline, it's only a matter of two to four weeks to have them sold out. This is the final goal to reach! Undoubtedly the progress has been rather slow during these weeks, but that's conceivable. Members are mainly concentrating on waiting for the results instead of still working and growing their business. It's been a long journey together until this very point and the benefits of hard work are almost within our reach now. So, this update is the wake-up call for the last day at work before a long and well deserved holiday! Technical note. We had to ask LR to disable the internal messaging system because of the huge amount of incoming messages. We had absolutely no change to have them sorted out. So, please don't send us messages via your LR account, they will not be delivered. As some of you know, the Trust Partner consulted an Asian group to set up and operate a similar program to ours in various Asian countries. The membership was only available for the citizens of four countries in SE Asia and stricktly limited to 14.500, thus the lack of advertising amounts the GPP members. This program was a great success and has come to an end. The first three batches of 1.000 checks have been sent out already and more is being processed all the time. The operator has decided to launch a second run with the same very limited number of seats available. However, as you could imagine, the current members are priviledged and will snap the free spots in a few moments. This is how these programs work at their very best. The first round is the slowest, most difficult, most frustrating, causes the biggest amount of work and headache for the members and the admin. It also causes a lot of controversy, as from time to time it looks like a never-ending story. But once the foundation has been developed well, the rest is history. Sincerely,

      • 7

        Omaiseni on odottanut rahaa tulevaksi toista vuotta... Milloin milläkin verukkeella rahan tulo on estynyt. Uskokoo ken tahtoo, minä en. Uskon Jeesukseen ennemmin.
        Kumma, miten ihmiset ovat rahan ahneita ja menevät retkuun.

      • Parruli
        7 kirjoitti:

        Omaiseni on odottanut rahaa tulevaksi toista vuotta... Milloin milläkin verukkeella rahan tulo on estynyt. Uskokoo ken tahtoo, minä en. Uskon Jeesukseen ennemmin.
        Kumma, miten ihmiset ovat rahan ahneita ja menevät retkuun.

        Tuo 20€ on vähemmän kuin useimmat ihmiset laittavat viikottain lottoon ja muihin rahapeleihin, turha jeesustella...

      • Admin=Hannu

        08th of Jan, 2010

        Dear Members,
        This is a general update regarding the current situation of Global Pension Plan program and it's near future.
        First of all, Happy New Year 2010 to you all!
        As most of you have noticed, we have had problems with our website recently. It's been offline for a moment. We did send out a message about the problem, but a big number of the messages have not reached the recipients for a reason or another. However, the problem has been solved by now. We had to transfer the website under a new domain, as the old one was suffering from sabotage. The new web presence is remarkably more stable and should resist the attacks better. If you click , you will find exactly the same site and member area as you were used to find from the previous domain.
        We still have around 20.000 unclaimed Additional Policies available. After the last update regarding the remaining Additional Policies, the demand jumped for a little moment, but settled down soon again. It's highly necessary to understand, that the Trust Partner will wait until all these have been snapped up. You might wonder why is it so important to have them all sold. The reason is, that once sold, the Trust Partner is able to negotiate a better deal with the insurance company for the further deals. This is plain economics and wise long-term planning.
        We can't stress enough, that there is a contractual dead-line for the Additional Policies, though. The current contract between the Trust partner and other parties have, runs till the 28th of February 2010. If the entire batch of Additional Policies hasn't been sold out until that date, it means the parties have to renegotiate the contract. It is by no mean a catastrophe, but only delays us a month or two, depending on the progression of the renewal process. That is, however, something we definitely don't want.
        There were some CG payment problems during the early stage of the very recent website problems. These we have tried to iron out by now. If you still think, that your problem has not been solved, please contact us via the email address you got from the payment processor while complaining about the hick up.
        More updates later!

      • heevat
        Admin=Hannu kirjoitti:

        08th of Jan, 2010

        Dear Members,
        This is a general update regarding the current situation of Global Pension Plan program and it's near future.
        First of all, Happy New Year 2010 to you all!
        As most of you have noticed, we have had problems with our website recently. It's been offline for a moment. We did send out a message about the problem, but a big number of the messages have not reached the recipients for a reason or another. However, the problem has been solved by now. We had to transfer the website under a new domain, as the old one was suffering from sabotage. The new web presence is remarkably more stable and should resist the attacks better. If you click , you will find exactly the same site and member area as you were used to find from the previous domain.
        We still have around 20.000 unclaimed Additional Policies available. After the last update regarding the remaining Additional Policies, the demand jumped for a little moment, but settled down soon again. It's highly necessary to understand, that the Trust Partner will wait until all these have been snapped up. You might wonder why is it so important to have them all sold. The reason is, that once sold, the Trust Partner is able to negotiate a better deal with the insurance company for the further deals. This is plain economics and wise long-term planning.
        We can't stress enough, that there is a contractual dead-line for the Additional Policies, though. The current contract between the Trust partner and other parties have, runs till the 28th of February 2010. If the entire batch of Additional Policies hasn't been sold out until that date, it means the parties have to renegotiate the contract. It is by no mean a catastrophe, but only delays us a month or two, depending on the progression of the renewal process. That is, however, something we definitely don't want.
        There were some CG payment problems during the early stage of the very recent website problems. These we have tried to iron out by now. If you still think, that your problem has not been solved, please contact us via the email address you got from the payment processor while complaining about the hick up.
        More updates later!

        GPP:STÄ,kun se on täyttä huijausta.

        e ovat siitä rahankeruusta vastuussa,joiden tilille olette maksaneet niitä maksuja ja lisävakuutuksia.

        Mitä enemmän mukana olevat ihmiset tekevät rikosilmoituksia heistä,sen paremmin joutuvat nämä suomalaiset huijarit vastuuseen---siis häkki heilahtaa heille,rahoja ette tule koskaan saamaan takaisin,mutta nämä suomalaiset herrat saavat maistaa suomalaista vankilaa.

      • Piti tääkin nähdä
        heevat kirjoitti:

        GPP:STÄ,kun se on täyttä huijausta.

        e ovat siitä rahankeruusta vastuussa,joiden tilille olette maksaneet niitä maksuja ja lisävakuutuksia.

        Mitä enemmän mukana olevat ihmiset tekevät rikosilmoituksia heistä,sen paremmin joutuvat nämä suomalaiset huijarit vastuuseen---siis häkki heilahtaa heille,rahoja ette tule koskaan saamaan takaisin,mutta nämä suomalaiset herrat saavat maistaa suomalaista vankilaa.

        Se on nyt käsitelty, ei rikosta eikä kyseessä ollut pyramidihuijaus. Onneksi Suomessa on näinkin päteviä tuomareita.

    • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

      no niin, oma syy jos menitte halpaan buahahabuahaha

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      valaiset tietäni tietämättäsi ❤️
    9. Mitä toivot

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    10. Hommaatko kinkkua jouluksi?

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