Kuinka teen tuon mallin mukaisen kaavion.
muotoillaan kaavio Gantt -kaavion näköiseksi: muiden muassa muuttamalla Alku -sarakkeen osuus palkista näkymättömäksi.
Sitten aika-akselit ja solujen muotoilut. Miten ne tehdään.
Pinottu palkkikaavio
- eno2
Ohessa ohje - ruotsinkielinen tosin- jota olen itse käyttänyt ja toimi mukavasti erilaisiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Jostain netistä tuo on kopsattu vuonna 1 tai 2
1. Start with a new workbook and enter your task data as in Sheet1. Column A contains the task
descriptions, column B contains the beginning date for each task, and column C contains the
number of days to complete the task. Column D contains formulas thhat determine the ending day
for each task. For example, the formula in cell D2 is =B2-C2-1. Column D isn’t really necessary
(and is not used in the chart), but including it will tell you e
2. Create a stacked horizontal chart from the data in A2:C13. The Chart Wizard will probably guess
these series incorrectly, so you’ll need to set the category axis labels and data series manually.
The category (x) axis labels should be range A2:A13, the Series 1 data should be B2:B13, and
Series 2 data should be C2:C13.
3. Remove the chart’s legend and adjust the height of the chart so that all of the category axis
labels are visible (or, change the font to a smaller size).
4. Access the Format Axis dialog box for the horizontal (value) axis. Set the Minimum and
Maximum values to correspond to the earliest and latest dates in your project. Note that you can
enter actual dates into this dialog box. To display the dates at weekly intervals, set the Minimum to
a Monday, the Maximum to a Sunday, and the Major Unit to 7.
5. Select the data series that corresponds to the data in Column B and access the Format Data
Series dialog box. Set Borders to None and Area to None. This essentially makes the first data
series invisible – and makes the chart resemble a Gantt chart.
6. Apply other formatting as desired. For example, you may want to add gridlines and a title.
You’ll be able to adjust your project schedule and the chart will update automatically.
However, if you use dates outside of the original date range, you’ll need to change the
scaling for the horizontal (value) axis. - multilingual
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