Fields shines in fun production of 'Wedding Singer


There’s a new kid in town, and he will, he will rock you.

Theatre Alliance newcomer Lane Fields as Robbie Hart is a knock-out in the title role of “The Wedding Singer,” which opened Friday night at Theatre Alliance.

It sounds like the ’80s, but it’s not exactly ’80s music, more “in the style of” ’80s music. The costumes, by Emily Mays, are ’80s to the max, and the music direction, by Jackson Cooper and Charlie Thompson, is perfectly balanced among recorded music and live voices.

Whatever it may be, “The Wedding Singer” is fun, lots of fun, and it’s as entertaining as a box full of bangles.

Fields is well matched by Theatre Alliance veteran Ann Davis-Rowe as Julia. Davis-Rowe imbues her character with such sweetness, and her rich contralto is lovely.

The two are especially good on their love duet, “Grow Old With You,” in the first and final acts.

These two romantics, both in love with other people, meet at a wedding reception where he is the entertainer and she is a waitress. There is a frisson of attraction between them, but they set it aside and grow in friendship.

The songs that support the story are mostly forgettable if amusing, but there are some wonderful moments, including Linda’s breakup song to Robbie, “A Note From Linda.”

Kaylee Gonzalez rips into “A Note From Linda” with badger-like fervor. Gonzalez is wonderful on stage. It’s hard to take your eyes off of her, even in the ensemble numbers.

Another highlight is “Casualty of Love,” a big production number with Fields taking the lead. John C. Wilson continues to grow as a performer, and he is very entertaining as the snarky Wall Street Master of the Universe, engaged to Julia.

Linda Shillito plays Holly, Julia’s slightly slutty best friend and does a great job at the helm of “Saturday Night in the City.” It has all the sass and flash of an ’80s disco and some great lines like “being young and stupid is what Saturday is for.”

Seph Schonekas as George, one of Robbie’s wedding band-mates, and Becki West, as Robbie’s grandmother, have a fantastic duet in another ensemble number, “ Move That Thing.” It’s never too late, they promise.

Jamie Lawson, director, has pulled off a beautifully balanced production, full of fun and frothy '80s memes. It will have you dancing in your seat.
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