Savorinen know how Universe Really Works


Planck space observatory suggest that the space expand 67.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec
nearby supernovas and Cepheid stars suggests a faster rate of about 73 km per second per megaparsec.
It is Insurmountable problem fof Big Bang cult. Observations cannot be explained by expanding space
For me, these observations are not a problem. The lights expand and interact with each other, etc
Nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force. Space dont expanding!
The stars in the outer rings of galaxies move too fast. They should move out of the galaxy
Stars constantly pushing away from the center of the galaxy and there is already evidence of that.
However, expanding stars not FadesAway fromThe center ofThe expanding galaxy. That’s true relative
Stars expand in the same proportion as they push away from the center of the expanding galaxy
Yes, Earth expanding two way. More expanding matter pushing centre to Earth 🙂
Supermassive objects were born in their own 3D big bangs. The 3 D Big Bang is still going on


Light can be studied scientifically. Space can’t. Expanding light is a scientific claim.

External pressure compresses more densely. The Internal pressure causes dispersion become less Dense
Matter has an internal pressure, as well as an external pressure. Space doesn’t have.
Describe a scientific experiment that proves the existence of expanding space. You can’t.
I challenge this Nasa dudes to prove the existence of expanding space. They can’t
He says that galaxy clusters do not move away from each other in space.
Later, however, they are further apart due to the expanding space.
What happens to the expanding space as it expands? What is its expansion based on?
What makes space itself expand in the first place?
Build a long chute in front of Hubble. Look at a distant galaxy whose location you know.
I predict that it seems to be in a different place than we know.
based on the pushing force of expanding light that has experienced entropy for billions of years
The new expanding light is faster than the old expanding light of other galaxy clusters.


The new accelerates the expansion of the old and thus it stretches, cosmologically redshifts


Thought that your ownBody consists explosive condensations recycling explosive energy. Scare You?


The expanding space cannot be manipulated in such a way as to obtain information.
You can only believe in the existence of expanding space.
Earth consists of expanding densifications that circulate expanding energy / pushing force.
The visible universe is an expanding energy field in space. Space does not expand.
Atoms cores expand and recycle expanding dark energy that produces electrons and photons.
Nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force. Space dont expanding
Dark waves of light also expand and interact with each other. Accelerate each other’s expansion.
If lights expand and interact with each other, we can prove it scientifically
The visible universe. outside systems that recycle eternal energy.


Extreme pressure in the middle of these systems all the time.


The energy in them changes completely over time.


They are constantly being hit by extremely fast energy that causes the


dense energy in them to explode into less denser.


The colliding energy is pushed into the center of the system,


where it is compressed to an extremely dense state.


Fall apple moving towards the center of the Earth? No. It protrudes away from the center ofTheEarth.
The sun’s movement in the sky is an illusion.
Similarly, the movement of the apple towards the center of the Earth is illusion.
The expanding Earth protrudes along the spiral track away from the expanding Sun.
First, the supermassive concentrations of the galaxy centers were born in their own 3 D Big Bangs.
Space is an infinite 3 d stage that IS nothing at all. Newton already knew this many times ago
Space does not expand. Einstein opened physics pandora box with curving space
Space has never been born. It is always a 3 d stage that IS nothing at all.
You will see images of objects moving in space. Not about space itself.
Google: Savorinen. Read how the universe really works. It’s not space that expands.
Expanding black star radiates an expanding black light that causes the star’s substance to expandFaster
and thats Why this Faster Expanding Matter Pushing That Way Where Is This Expanding Black Star.
All phenomena are explained by without pulling forces and without curved space.
Expanding galaxies were born out of the middle without pulling forces and without curved space.
Earth is an expanding ball. Space does not expand. Cores expand and recycle expanding dark energy
Dark waves of the lights expand and interact with each other, accelerate each other’s expansion.
Space does not radiate light or anything else. So no space has been discovered to expand!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      Space does not radiate light or anything else. So no space has been discovered to expand!
      Space does not radiate light. All light comes from a substance that moves in space.
      All the move in space consists of basically the same physical concrete that is pushing force.
      Outside the visible universe, there are objects that recycle energy with the nature of the galaxies.
      These objects radiate energy that creates super massive concentrations of galaxy centers, etc ….
      Does anyone here believe that space is expanding? If so, why? Expanding space cannot be explored!
      Lights are expanding. Lights can be scientifically studied! The expansion of the lights can be proved.
      Outside the visible universe is systems which cannot be observed. They radiate energy with the nature of the galaxies.
      The infinite three -dimensional space does not have to expand.
      The expanding energy in the expanding Quarks Changes Completely with time. Too Much for You?​
      The Expanding Quarks Will Later ”Cover” A Region of Space the Same Size as Visible Universe Now.
      Bodies are Biological Machines. Brain Antennae Through Which Eternal One, We Experience This Lives.
      Einstein Opened The Pandora’s Box of Physics with His Curved Space. Space Doesn’t Play Tricks!
      Expanding Visible Universe Moves One Moment Away From Region of Space where is Moved moment ago.
      Did you know that in 2015 it was reported that the suns is a short cycle of about 330 Days
      The Cycle Times Around the Sun of the Stone Planets Total 1363 Days. Divide by Four = 340 Days
      Matter has time. Space has no time. The Space Between Two Particles has no time.
      Matter has Time. Matter Consists of Separate Parts That Move Relative to Each Other. Space HasNoTime
      An expanding Black Star Causes The Matter in the Observable Star to Expand Faster.
      Now this Faster Expanding Matter Is Pushed Away from the Center of the Star Towards the Black Star.
      Quarks Expand became more energy isconstantly pushed insideThe quarks. Explain Expanding Space
      Quarks Expand became more energy isconstantly pushed insideThe quarks. How space expanding?
      THINK YOU THINK WITH YOUR BRAIN? Thinking Takes Place Invery Large area in Energyfield ThatWe Are
      Brain Studied. Perceived delay. Proves my argument that enables free will.
      I Challenge Believers in Expanding Space to Explain What the Expansion of Space IS.
      No One Can Explain in Words What the Expansion of Space Is Based on.
      Will More Space Be Pushed Into the Expanding Space? If so, where does that space Move?
      Expanding Galaxys Was Born Center to Outside Quickly With Out Pulling Force, With Out Curving Space
      If not, what is the expansion of the expanding space Based on? What Enables The Expansion of Space?
      Quarks Expand became more energy is Constantly Pushed Inside the Quarks. Explain Expanding Space
      There is no gravity with pulling force. No Gravity with Curving Space. Gravity with Expanding Quarks
      Challenge for Those Who Believe the Expanding Space to Tell What the Expansion of Space Is Based on.
      How Space Expanding? Yes, Later There is more Space Between Galaxygroup Some Way Some How. But how?
      Google: Savorinen. Read How the Universe Really Works. It’s not space that expands.
      Greetings to Future. Whole Picture of Universe Is Going to Change Soon Big Way 🙂
      Scientists Experience the Awkward Life on the Surface of Mars Via Rovers.
      Maybe we are eternal one living all lives at the same time. We have not yet to collectively realize this.
      Perhaps we will be able to scientifically prove this to ourselves later.
      That is, that we are one energy field that experiences all lives at the same time.
      Bodies would be just biological machines through which we, the eternal one, would experience ourselves
      The thinking would take place in a really large area in the energy field. Not in the brain.
      This energy field would therefore experience all lives at the same time by being connected to the brain.
      Einstein understood, time is relative. He never understood that the volume of matter is relative also
      Expanding space+curving space+wavy space+bubbling space+extra dimensions+dark matter with gravitational force+ dark energy with expanding space=spaghetti monster
      If you really want to be right, always claim that free will exists……….


      That’s the only way you can really be right as a person who could have argued otherwise


      If there is no free will, no one is really right or wrong as a person…….


      who would have had the opportunity to claim otherwise. Think that 🙂


      If you assert things without free will, you are neither really wrong nor right.


      IfYou assertThings without freeWill, youAre neither reallyWrong norRight. No choice say other way


      The denser the matter, the more expanding energy, i.e. expanding pushing force.


      • Anonyymi

        Niuvassa on sulle vuodepaikka valmiina, hopi hopi!

      • Anonyymi


        🍑 ­N­­­y­­­m­f­­o­­m­­­a­a­­n­­­i ->


    • Anonyymi

      Olisi ehkä hyvä olla jokin muukin harrastus.

      • Anonyymi

        Luuletko ettei ole 🙂

    • Anonyymi

      Galaxies are particles that transmit information about objects that radiate energy from which...


      supermassive objects are first created. Later expanding galaxies from the center outwards.


      Expanding supermassive objects emit expanding darkMatter from which rapidly expanding stars areBorn


      • Anonyymi

        Iskanderien saapuminen Harkovaan: Ukrainan armeijan päämajaan iski isku

    • Anonyymi

      Niin laajenee tämä keskustelukin.

      Muistuttaisin kuitenkin, hyvän ystäväni Einsteinin sanoin, kaikki on suhteellista, eikä maailma mihinkään laajene, sen sisältö vain pienenee, joka luo illuusion laajentumisesta. Näin toimien Jumala kykenee seuraamaan luomaansa, tarvitsematta siirtää nojatuoliaan maailman laidalta toiselle.

    • Anonyymi

      Koupion vajakilla on vajakin huvit, Goolettalla ei tule guruksi! Mutta huruksi!

    • Anonyymi

      Paska ei muutu kullaksi kieltä muuttamalla.

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