Vaakojen parhaat piirteet


* tärkeimmät piirteet:
o vahvuudet: rento asenne, herkkyys, karisma
o heikkoudet: moniselitteisyys, herkkäuskoisuus, aggressiivisuus
o väri: laventelinsininen
o lemmikki: kultainen noutaja, joka on yhtä kiltti ja suloinen kuin sinäkin
o lomakohde: sveitsi
o paras paikka seksiin: tyhjän elokuvateatterin takarivi
o salainen erogeeninen alueesi: selkä

* hallitseva planeetta: venus "sinä-huone" (venus hallitsee myös härkää, "omaisuuden huone")
o myönteisiä ominaisuuksia: kauneudentaju, aistillisuus, harmonisuus, ystävällisyys ja seurallisuus.
o kielteisiä ominaisuuksia: laiskuus, harkitsemattomuus, huolimattomuus ja mustasukkaisuus.
o hallitsemat ruumiinosat: kaula, äänihuulet, munuaiset ja rakko.

* luonteenpiirteitä:
o hyväntahtoinen ja vilpitön
o seurankipeä
o ystävänä sydämellinen ja miellyttävä
o teräväpäinen ja tarkkasilmäinen - mutta ei ihmissuhteissa
o vaikeaselkoinen hahmo
o diplomaattinen ja miellyttävä
o oikeudenmukainen

* avainasioita:
o heilahtelee ensin ylös ja alas ennenkuin pääsee tasapainoon
o harmoniaan pyrkivä ystävällinen sielu
o tykkää väitellä
o keskittynyt havaintokyky
o hyvä kuuntelija
o taipumusta mietiskelyyn ja itserakkauteen
o saattaa ajatelemattaan loukata jotakuta
o joskus sorrettujen puolella
* persoonallisuuskolmannekset
o 24.9.-3.10. ovat syntyneet käytännölliset ja ahkerat vaakaihmiset.
o 4.-13.10. syntyneet vaa'at ovat materialistisia kaunosieluja
o 14.-23.10. syntyneet vaakatyypit ovat iloluontoisia ja ihmisrakkaita.

* vaaka ja työ
o käyttää mielummin päätään kuin käsiään
o voidaan luokitella laiskaksi mutta tosiasiassa onkin ahkera
o kauneus ja taiteet mielyttävimpiä
o luotu loogista ajattelukykyä vaativille töille
o haluaa hioa taitojaan
o jotkut vaa'at eivät saa koskaan päätettyä mikä heistä tulee isona
o johtajana reilu ja oikeudenmukainen
o ottaa mielellään vastaan neuvoja
o arvostaa mukavaa yhteishenkeä enemmän kuin tehokasta toimintaa
o raha-asioissa ei järin säästäväinen tai järkevä
o krooninen rahapula vaivaa vaakaa
o sopivia ammatteja: avioliittoneuvoja, diplomaatti, ihmisoikeus-/ympäristöaktivisti, kampaaja, lakimies, lentoemäntä/stuertti, meikkitaiteilija, muotisuunnittelija, muusikko.

* vaakanainen
o tyylikäs ja mutkaton
o tervehenkinen ja terävä-älyinen
o rautainen tahto
o ahkera
o tuhlaileva nautiskelija
o ei halua elää yksin
o kannattaa täydellistä tasa-arvoa

* vaaka ja rakkaus&erotiikka
o hakee vakiokumppaniaan niin pitkään kunnes löytää
o ystävyys ja rakkaus tuppaavat menemään sekaisin
o ei anna rikkoutuneen sydämen sammuttaa elämänjanoaan
o uhraa henkiset voimavaransa rakkaudelle
o tarvitsee kumppanin joka tukee ja kannustaa
o puolisona mukava, avaramielinen ja luotettava
o halkoo ja viisastelee, jankuttaa ja ihmettelee
o aistinnautinnot tärkeitä vaa'alle
o käyttää paljon "lavasteita" sängyssä
o vaaka ei syty nälkäisenä, vaan rakastelua edeltää aina ruokailu

* parhaat kumppanit
o se oikea voi hyvinkin olla leijona, kaksonen, jousimies tai vesimies
o kiikun kaakun mennään kalojen ja toisen vaa'an kanssa
o vaaka ei ymmärrä skorpionia, kaurista eikä rapua
o erimielisyyksiä oinaan kanssa




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • rakastunut <3

      """" o krooninen rahapula vaivaa vaakaa ..."""""
      Onko tämäkin vaakojen parhaita piirteitä? Muutenhan lista on kelvollinen enkä minä mitenkään voi riitää tuollaiselle yyberihmiselle. Voi minua raukkaa. Täytyy sitten etsiä toiseksi parasta. Mikä se olisi? Mitä ehdotat?

    • MitäKirjaa

      Katsot. Nuo kaikki vaihtelee kirjan mukaan.

    • RKRKrkrk

      Seurustelen vaakamiehen kanssa, eikä hän ole mitään mitä luettelit. Eli nyt on kirja pielessä tai mieheni valehdellut syntymäaikansa... Laiskuus taisi olla ainoa piirre mikä kolahti paikoillee :P Uskon kyllä horoskooppeihin yleisesti, itse olen todella tyypillinen neitsyt.

      • näin se on

        ei oo kirjaan uskominen

      • yleistäkö

      • se kerto
        yleistäkö kirjoitti:

        Jokainen vaaka on erilainen!

        tässä teille hyvä sivu, josta voit katsoa kuka olet, hieman selvemmin.


        Sun in Libra

        He has a great need to be part of a group. He likes to mix with people and looks for partnerships. He likes and respects justice. He approves of society's values. He is level-headed and assimilates quickly.

        Weaknesses: does not think enough, he is frivolous. A dilettante in love. He is easily swayed by group pressure.

        Moon in Capricorn

        Fearful, taciturn, reserved. Attracted to politics. Has few friends because of reserved nature. Success comes by means of other people, who recognize his qualities.

        Weaknesses: material worries, savings, restrictions. Does not get carried away by love.

        Mercury in Libra

        With big ideas, he evaluates and weighs things up. Of good judgement, he expresses himself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, he listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up his own mind.

        Weaknesses: he is happy-go-lucky and phlegmatic. The spouse can be unfaithful. Partnerships are unprofitable.

        Venus in Virgo

        Gives help to sick and old people. He is very devoted, does not show emotions: he is prudish and never lets himself go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as he loves. Always suspects the feelings of others. He is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative, so the other (thinking she is not loved) will leave.

        Weaknesses: likes to flirt and provoke. He is perfectly in command of his own feelings, which often lack passion or force. His love is never for free but must automatically bring a bonus, be it only an intellectual pleasure.

        Mars in Aries

        He is aggressive, offensive, impulsive, provoking. He is bold and adventurous.

        Weaknesses: aggressiveness, boldness that can lead to violence, or to an accident, but certainly leads to problems.

        Jupiter in Gemini

        Very good education, he is also a good talker. He likes to travel, to write, to increase his knowledge.

        Weaknesses: likes to puff himself up with grandiose speeches or fine words. Does not listen to others but likes to be listened to.

        Saturn in Sagittarius

        He has his own way of thinking about a subject, he has his own ideas about things. He respects society and its rules guide his conduct.

        Weaknesses: hard, unforgiving, rigorous, insensitive and sometimes inhuman. A limited and narrow mind.

        Uranus in Sagittarius

        He is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.

        Neptune in Capricorn

        He is discerning, wise and sensible.

        Pluto in Scorpio

        Great sexual activity.

        Sign and ascendant

        Libra ascendant Sagittarius

        The planets in the houses

        The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.

        Sun in X

        Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes come late.

        Moon in I

        Very sensitive. Fantasizes. He is easily frightened, he is fearful, shy, prudent and emotional.

        Mercury in IX

        His thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. He is full of mental activity. He undertakes exhaustive studies, always studying for pleasure. Likes journeys to faraway places, and can go to live abroad.

        Venus in VIII

        Not frightened by the unknown, death. He has a peaceful and happy end. Natural and late death. Possible inheritance.

        Mars in III

        Lively spirit, alert and ingenious but sarcastic, critical, provocative. He is quarrelsome. Expresses himself easily, does what he wants: success is at the end of the road. He is capable and acts quickly.

        Jupiter in VI

        He has a responsible job in an organization. Dislikes working for himself. He helps the sick and under-privileged with kindness. Probably overdoes the good life, he likes animals, the country.

        Saturn in I

        He is methodical, patient, distrustful, polite. He speaks little and does not waste energy unnecessarily. He has a good memory and sense of organization, likes to do things well. He is never slapdash and has a sense of responsibility.

        Uranus in I

        He is above all independent and original. Sometimes blunt and irritable. Never lets himself be influenced. He does not tolerate any sort of setback. He is ready for adventure, even though it's risky.

        Neptune in I

        He is intuitive, sensitive. Not a fighter and is indecisive.

        The houses in the signs

        Ascendant in Sagittarius

        He will have an intellectual profession. Teaching, research, philosophy, mathematics. Children will be a source of happiness and pride.

        House II in Capricorn

        Success in professional life will be long and laborious. Continuously working towards it, he will finally achieve universally acknowledged success.

        House III in Pisces

        Ideas are somewhat changeable, and his humor as well. Travel, sea voyages or work connected with the sea.

        House IV in Aries

        Lots of authority within the family. He knows how to take the destiny of the family in hand. He is very energetic, very strong, knowing how to cope with life's setbacks.

        House V in Taurus

        A pleasant home, a charming wife, loving and sweet children, nice little meals, pleasant evenings with the loved one, that's the good life.

        House VI in Taurus

        Completely trusted at work. Knows how to keep a secret and is of irreproachable honesty. Weak point: the throat.

        House VII in Gemini

        Marries quite young, and divorces later. A second marriage doubtless with less passion but a lot of friendship. Frightened of living alone in old age.

        House VIII in Cancer

        Small inheritances.

        House IX in Virgo

        He is devoted to all causes that bring comfort or help to people in difficulty.

        House X in Libra

        Contacts of all kinds will lead to social success, professional, through marriage etc... Likes society life, friendships that could help professionally. Sometimes jobs connected with justice, but always involved with important and influential people.

        House XI in Scorpio

        Adores to debate endlessly with friends who don't share his ideas. The discussion can lead to words, even a certain verbal violence.

        House XII in Scorpio

        Work in the police field, likes investigating other people's private lives.

        Interplanetary aspects

        The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on his destiny.

        The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets.

        279 Conjunction Saturn - Uranus

        He knows how to be on top of the situation. He perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. He is very practical. He proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve his objectives in the end.

        233 Conjunction Moon - Neptune

        170 Conjunction Sun - Midheaven

        He knows what he wants on the professional level, is aware of his objectives and does everything to achieve them, he will carry out plans to the very end. He has a good job as well as a good reputation.

        121 Sextile Moon - Pluto

        He wavers between a rich and successful love life and social success. He has difficulty in succeeding in both. Almost always, the choice comes down on an ideal emotional life.

        -77 Square Mars - Saturn

        He is only interested in doing something if there are problems attached: once these are solved, he goes on to something else which has complications. He likes to overcome obstacles, is tough, does not have too many feelings, especially in business. He is egoistic, violent and stubborn. He does not always make friends.

        -74 Square Moon - Mercury

        He is happy in his imaginary world and thus is happy nowhere, because he can never find his ideal world - thus causing a lot of change, instability and also disquiet. He is a liar, a gossip and leaves himself open to criticism. His lies save him. If the other aspects allow, he can be a very good novelist.

        -71 Square Mars - Uranus

        He is full of contradictions. He is original, tending to the eccentric, violent, headstrong, impatient and irascible. He fights to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.

        -43 Opposition Jupiter - Ascendant

        He does not listen to those around him, he is pretentious and goes to excess when eating.

        23 Sextile Venus - Pluto

        His emotional and sex life is powerful and rich. He lives out truly passionate love affairs.

        22 Trine Moon - Venus

        He is gracious, sweet and gay. He likes pleasure and entertainment, but also the Arts. He needs tenderness, loves and wants children. He appreciates home life in a comfortable atmosphere.

        -21 Square Mercury - Neptune

        He makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. He lets things happen, and is happy in his dreamworld. Confronted by reality, he is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into his imaginary world. He might become a drug-taker.

        18 Sextile Sun - Saturn

        He likes to work alone, quietly. He pays attention to detail, is serious, methodical, patient and can take on long, difficult and delicate tasks, and complete them.

        15 Sextile Sun - Uranus

        He is above all independent and original. He likes change, reforms, he is allergic to everything routine. He has a strong personality, and has many friends.

        12 Sextile Mercury - Ascendant

        He is intelligent, with quick and lively reflexes. He is preoccupied by his circle, likes to exchange ideas with his friends, but also with strangers. Of an open nature, he goes out to others.

        10 Trine Mercury - Jupiter

        He is intelligent, has big ideas: he is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. He has good judgement, good sense and has his feet on the ground. He has the "gift of the gab", and likes to speak, he also likes literature. He is erudite and will normally be successful socially.

        4 Trine Venus - Neptune

        His professional life is unstable. He has a taste for the Arts, is a dreamer, is easily influenced and romantic. He is emotional and very sensitive.

        3 Conjunction Uranus - Neptune

        2 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

        His plans are realized in a methodical fashion, he works hard to achieve success.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Aivosyöpää sairastava Olga Temonen TV:ssä - Viimeinen Perjantai-keskusteluohjelma ulos

      Näyttelijä-yrittäjä Olga Temonen sairastaa neljännen asteen glioomaa eli aivosyöpää, jota ei ole mahdollista leikata. Hä
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    2. Pelotelkaa niin paljon kuin sielu sietää.

      Mutta ei mene perille asti. Miksi Venäjä hyökkäisi Suomeen? No, tottahan se tietenkin on jos Suomi joka ei ole edes soda
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    3. Kiitos nainen

      Kuitenkin. Olet sitten ajanmerkkinä. Tuskin enää sinua näen ja huomasitko, että olit siinä viimeisen kerran samassa paik
    4. Mikä saa ihmisen tekemään tällaista?

      Onko se huomatuksi tulemisen tarve tosiaan niin iso tarve, että nuoruuttaan ja tietämättömyyttään pilataan loppuelämä?
    5. Minkä merkkisellä

      Autolla kaivattusi ajaa? Mies jota kaipaan ajaa Mersulla.
    6. IL - VARUSMIEHIÄ lähetetään jatkossa NATO-tehtäviin ulkomaille!

      Suomen puolustuksen uudet linjaukset: Varusmiehiä suunnitellaan Nato-tehtäviin Puolustusministeri Antti Häkkänen esittel
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    7. Nyt kun Pride on ohi 3.0

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    9. Esko Eerikäinen tatuoi kasvoihinsa rakkaan nimen - Kärkäs kommentti "Ritvasta" lävähti somessa

      Ohhoh! Esko Eerikäinen on ottanut uuden tatuoinnin. Kyseessä ei ole mikä tahansa kuva minne tahansa, vaan Eerikäisen tat
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    10. Hyväksytkö sinä sen että päättäjämme ei rakenna rauhaa Venäjän kanssa?

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